Obsidian is a powerful note taking app (and so much more). In some cases, it is useful to manage notes with metadata. This metadata is called properties in Obsidian notes.
Sometimes it is neccessary to change or delete this properties, because the data processing behind needs it.
The Python script processes markdown files within a directory. It can add, modify, or delete properties.
Obsidian Property Modifier 0.1.3 by psycore8
Tool for mass manipulating Obsidian Properties
usage: Obsidian Property Modifier [-h] [-m {field,value}] [-d] [-dir WORKING_DIR] -f FIELD [-n NEW_FIELD]
[-t {bool,int,str,date,datetime}] [-v VALUE]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m {field,value}, --modify {field,value}
add or modify property fields or values in a directory
-d, --delete delete properties in a directory
-dir WORKING_DIR, --working-dir WORKING_DIR
the directory with the md files to process
-f FIELD, --field FIELD
the property field is required for delete and modify
-n NEW_FIELD, --new-field NEW_FIELD
modify the field name to this value
-t {bool,int,str,date,datetime}, --type {bool,int,str,date,datetime}
data type for property field
-v VALUE, --value VALUE
the property value is needed for add or mod
If your working directory is always the same, you can use a config file to input this argument:
working_directory = directory
city: Ohio
district: Florida
python propmod.py -dir directory --modify value --field short --value FL
city: Ohio
district: Florida
short: FL
python propmod.py -dir directory --modify value --field date --value 01.05.1999 --type date
python propmod.py -dir directory --modify value --field datetime --value 01.05.1999-12:35 --type datetime
results in
date: 1999-05-01
datetime: 1999-05-01 12:35:00
python propmod.py -dir directory --modify value --field city --value Miami
city: Miami
district: Florida
short: FL
python propmod.py -dir directory --modify value --field proof --value True --type bool
city: Miami
district: Florida
short: FL
proof: True
python propmod.py -dir directory --modify field --field district --new-field state
city: Miami
state: Florida
short: FL
proof: True
python propmod.py -dir directory --delete --field short
city: Miami
state: Florida
proof: True