
A fork of @csexton's jekyll.vim

Primary LanguageVimL


Blogging from the command line should not be tedious.

This script is intended to automate the process of creating and editing Jekyll blog posts from within vim.

This is a complete rewrite of csexton/jekyll.vim with these improvements:

  • Commands are added as buffer commands when a Jekyll blog is found
  • Commands to edit/split/vsplit/tabnew a post
  • Tab completion for opening existing posts
  • Recognizes Octopress blogs and others with custom _posts directory
  • Customizable template for new posts
  • Customizable build command, with automatic support for bundler


The :Jpost (Jekyll post) command is used to create and edit blog posts. It has variants for opening a post in a horizontal or vertical split or a new tab. Call with a bang, (eg: :Jpost!) to create a new post. Call without a bang (eg: :Jpost) to edit a post. The :Jbuild command can be used to build a blog.

:Jpost[!]  [{name}] Create or edit the specified post. With no argument,
                    you will be prompted to select a post or enter a title.

:JSpost[!] [{name}] Same as :Jpost, but opens post in a horizontal split.

:JVpost[!] [{name}] Same as :Jpost, but opens post in a vertical split.

:JTpost[!] [{name}] Same as :Jpost, but opens post in a tab.

:Jbuild    [{args}] Generate blog. This will check for the presence of a
                    Gemfile; if found `bundle exec` is used to run the
                    `jekyll` command. The blog will be built with:

            jekyll --no-auto --no-server BLOG_ROOT BLOG_ROOT/SITE_DIR <args>

                    If this doesn't fit your situation, you can set a
                    custom command with `g:jekyll_build_command`. When
                    using a custom command no check for a Gemfile is

See also :help jekyll-commands.


See :help jekyll-configuration.


Same as Vim itself, see :help license.