
Yeelight YLKG07YL/YLKG08YL dimmer support for ESP32 implemented as ESP-IDF component

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ESP32 Yeelight YLKG07YL/YLKG08YL dimmer support component


This is the component for Espressif's official IoT Development Framework for the ESP32 (ESP-IDF). It gives you the ability to control your ESP32 based device with yeelight dimmer.

  • yeelight_dimmer - ESP-IDF component.
  • demo - demo project

Just implement handlers for dimmer events and register the dimmers. Check out the demo


Declare some event handlers

void onRotate(yeelight_dimmer_t *dimmer, signed char rotation, char state) {

void onClick(yeelight_dimmer_t *dimmer) {

Initialize the component context

yeelight_dimmers_ctx ctx;

ctx.onRotate = onRotate;
ctx.onClick = onClick;

yeelight_dimmers_add(&ctx, "\xF8\x24\x41\xC5\xA0\xBE", "\xA3\x15\x7D\xDF\xAC\x2A\x30\xA7\xF5\xE3\x38\x54", NULL);

Now, call yellight_dimmer_check(&ctx, data, len); at every received bluetooth advertising packet. It will check, parse, decrypt the packet data and call the corresponding event handlers.

The last argument of yeelight_dimmers_add() function is userdata. You can pass a pointer to some descriptor structure, title or even int variable here and access this pointer in event handler:

void onRotate(yeelight_dimmer_t *dimmer, signed char rotation, char state) {
	int *value = (int *)dimmer->userdata;
	*value += rotation;
	printf("value: %i\n", *value);
int app_main() {
	int val = 0;
	yeelight_dimmers_add(&ctx, "\xF8\x24\x41\xC5\xA0\xBE", "\xA3\x15\x7D\xDF\xAC\x2A\x30\xA7\xF5\xE3\x38\x54", &val);

MAC & beacon_key

Run the following to find out your dimmer MAC:

# hcitool lescan
LE Scan ...
F8:24:41:C5:A0:BE yee-rc

Check out yeelight-dimmer-python to retrieve your dimmer's beacon_key.