
Provides command line tools to facilitate Wordpress deploy.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Note: this plugin works only with Capistrano 3.

Provides command line tools to facilitate Wordpress deploy.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'capistrano-wpcli'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install capistrano-wpcli


All you need to do is put the following in Capfile file:

require 'capistrano/wpcli'

How it works

The following tasks are added to Capistrano:

  • wpcli:run
    Executes the WP-CLI command passed as parameter. Example: cap production wpcli:run["core language install fr_FR"]
  • wpcli:db:push
    Pushes the local WP database to the remote server and replaces the urls.
  • wpcli:db:pull
    Pulls the remote server WP database to local and replaces the urls.
  • wpcli:rewrite:flush
    Flush rewrite rules.
  • wpcli:rewrite:hard_flush
    Perform a hard flush - update .htaccess rules as well as rewrite rules in database.
  • wpcli:uploads:rsync:push
    Push local uploads delta to remote machine using rsync.
  • wpcli:uploads:rsync:pull
    Pull remote uploads delta to local machine using rsync.


This plugin needs some configuration to work properly. You can put all your configs in Capistrano stage files i.e. config/deploy/production.rb.

Here's the list of options and the defaults for each option:

  • set :wpcli_remote_url
    Url of the Wordpress root installation on the remote server (used by search-replace command).

  • set :wpcli_local_url
    Url of the Wordpress root installation on the local server (used by search-replace command).

  • set :local_tmp_dir
    A local temp dir which is read and writeable. Defaults to /tmp.

  • set :wpcli_args
    You can pass arguments directly to WPCLI using this var. By default it will try to load values from ENV['WPCLI_ARGS'].

  • set :wpcli_local_uploads_dir
    Local dir where WP stores the uploads. IMPORTANT: Add trailing slash! Optional if using Bedrock Wordpress Stack

  • set :wpcli_remote_uploads_dir
    Remote dir where WP stores the uploads. IMPORTANT: Add trailing slash! Optional if using Bedrock Wordpress Stack


If you are using another machine as a development server (Vagrant for example), you should define a dev role and indicate the path were the project lives on that server. This normally goes on deploy.rb file. Here's an example:

server "example.dev", user: 'vagrant', password: 'vagrant', roles: %w{dev}

set :dev_path, '/srv/www/example.dev/current'


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/lavmeiker/capistrano-wpcli/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request