
ITSI Content Pack for K8S


ITSI Content Pack for K8S

  • Prereqs
    • Ensure k8s data is being collected into Splunk and SAI
  • Steps
    • Create the following macros for each of the three k8s index
      • k8s_meta_index, k8s_metrics_index, k8s_events_index
    • Run an ITSI restore of the itsi_cp_k8s.zip file. This will install all the necessary ITSI knowledge objects
    • Using ITSI -> Configure -> Entity -> Create Entity from Search: run and schedule the following three entity imports, which can be found in the spls file
      • Run and schedule k8s_cluster entity creation search
      • Run and schedule k8s_namespace entity creation search
      • Run and schedule k8s_pod entity enrichment “fix" search
    • Using ITSI -> Configure -> Service -> Create Service from Search: run and schedule service build search
    • Optionally build k8s:events correlation search for creating NEs from k8s events