
POSIX-compatible getopt(3) implementation in Zig

Primary LanguageZigBSD Zero Clause License0BSD

Unofficial Repo

I'm kind of doing my own things here, you will most likely want to check out the official repo here:

Minimal POSIX getopt(3) implementation in Zig

This is a minimal, allocation-free getopt(3) implementation with POSIX-conforming argument parsing semantics.


const std = @import("std");
const debug = std.debug;
const getopt = @import("getopt.zig");

pub fn main() void {
    var arg: []const u8 = undefined;
    var verbose: bool = false;

    var opts = getopt.getopt("a:vh");

    while (opts.next()) |maybe_opt| {
        if (maybe_opt) |opt| {
            switch (opt.opt) {
                'a' => {
                    arg = opt.arg.?;
                    debug.print("arg = {s}\n", .{arg});
                'v' => {
                    verbose = true;
                    debug.print("verbose = {}\n", .{verbose});
                'h' => debug.print(
                    \\usage: example [-a arg] [-hv]
                , .{}),
                else => unreachable,
        } else break;
    } else |err| {
        switch (err) {
            getopt.Error.InvalidOption => debug.print("invalid option: {c}\n", .{opts.optopt}),
            getopt.Error.MissingArgument => debug.print("option requires an argument: {c}\n", .{opts.optopt}),

    debug.print("remaining args: {?s}\n", .{opts.args()});
$ zig run example.zig -- -hv -a42 foo bar
usage: example [-a arg] [-hv]
verbose = true
arg = 42
remaining args: { foo, bar }