Symfony 3 Bundle for Menu creation within Sonata Admin
This bundle is a fork of SonataPageBundle made by @skillberto.
It gives a lot of enhancements, like
- User restrict a menu,
- Set an icon on a menu item,
- Choose between standard an boostrap template
- Define more than one menu with menu types
- and maybe many more coming
This fork has waiting PRs to be merged, but I don't know if, and when the author will merge it into master branch.
So, to use it for my project, I created a enhanced
branch where the modifications resides.
If you want to use it, you should install this bundle by adding a VCS repositories.
So to install this bundle :
Put this code in your repositories part of your composer.json.
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
Make a composer require skillberto/sonata-page-menu-bundle dev-enhanced
And you're good to go ;)
To use this bundle simply add this include to the template where you want the menu to appear, based on menu type id
{% include 'SkillbertoSonataPageMenuBundle:Menu:menu.html.twig' with {'type': 1} %}
You could choose between two templates, standard and bootstrap
Default value is standard.
If you want the Bootstrap template simply add to your config.yml (and of course you should have the bootstrap CSS/JS loaded)
template: bootstrap
Template could also be overrided in the include, like this
{% include 'SkillbertoSonataPageMenuBundle:Menu:menu.html.twig' with {'type': 1, 'template': 'bootstrap', 'fixed': false, 'inverse': false, 'toggle': 'collapse'} %}
Type is the database id of the menu type (main, footer...)
Full options is (with default values), you could tweak the bootstrap navbar here
template: standard
fixed: false
inverse: false
toggle: collapse
displayed: true
title: "My company"
mobile_text: "Browse"
link_path: #