
Generate VSCode tasks.json from workspace package scripts

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Generate VSCode tasks.json from workspace package scripts

Test state Release state License npm latest version

gen-vscode-tasks generates a tasks.json from workspace package scripts for projects that use multiple workspaces. This allows developers to execute Run Task... commands in VSCode for any npm scripts found in the package workspaces.

VSCode Run Task

VSCode Run Task

VSCode package.json scripts

VSCode package.json scripts


$ npm install --global @psyrendust/gen-vscode-tasks


$ gen-vscode-tasks --help

    $ gen-vscode-tasks [options]
    $ gen-vscode-tasks --workspace <workspace> --save <path>
    $ gen-vscode-tasks --workspace <workspace> --filter <filter> --save <path>
    $ gen-vscode-tasks --workspace <workspace> --filter <filter> --override <override> --save <path>

    --workspace, -w   Generate tasks for each package within a workspace.
    --filter, -f      Generate tasks for workspace packages that only match the filter.
    --save, -s        Save the output to <path>
    --override, -o    Path to a json you wish to use to override each task config.
                      The following fields are not configurable: [label, command, options.cwd]

    --npm             Use 'npm run' vs 'yarn'.
    --no-sort         Do not sort tasks alphabetically.
    --verbose         Verbose output.
    --help            Show this help message.

    <path>            The folder to save tasks.json to, typically '.vscode/tasks.json'.
    <workspace>       Workspace path.
    <filter>          Name of the package to include when searching a workspace.
    <override>        Path to a json you wish to use to override each task config.

    Given the following project:

      ├── .vscode
      │   └── tasks.json
      ├── workspace-a
      │   ├── empty
      │   │   └── .keep
      │   ├── pkg1
      │   │   └── package.json
      │   └── pkg2
      │       └── package.json
      └── workspace-b
          ├── pkg3
          │   └── package.json
          └── pkg4
              └── package.json

    $ cd ./test/fixtures/project

    # Will write to stdout with tasks for pkg1,pkg2
    $ gen-vscode-tasks --workspace ./workspace-a

    # Will save to ./.vscode/tasks.json with tasks for pkg1,pkg2
    $ gen-vscode-tasks --workspace ./workspace-a --save ./.vscode/tasks.json
    $ gen-vscode-tasks -w ./workspace-a -s ./.vscode/tasks.json

    # Will save to ./.vscode/tasks.json with tasks for pkg1,pkg2,pkg3,pkg4
    $ gen-vscode-tasks -w ./workspace-a -w ./workspace-b -s ./.vscode/tasks.json

    # Will save to ./.vscode/tasks.json with tasks for pkg1,pkg4
    $ gen-vscode-tasks -w ./workspace-a -w ./workspace-b -f pkg1 -f pkg4  -s ./.vscode/tasks.json

    $ gen-vscode-tasks --help

