
Network Analysis for EEPS 1720 final project involving US migration due to natural hazards

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Network Analysis for EEPS 1720 final project involving US migration due to natural hazards. For the sake of clarity, each file will be briefly described below:

centrality.ipynb: This jupyter notebook includes all the code to conduct our centrality analysis (calculating various centralities and graphing them). check_disasters.ipynb: This jupyter notebook takes the raw disaster data and converts it to the aggregated data for the median/mean and 2006 (used for the network analysis). clustering.ipynb: This jupyter noteboook includes the code to conduct the clustering analysis. gravity_mod.ipynb: This notebook includes the code to conduct the gravity analysis (OLS). n_analysis.ipynb: This notebook has the code to create the graph and dataframe for the rest of the network analysis. disasters.pickle: The raw disaster data, separated by year. disasters_2006.pkl: The disaster data aggregated by state for 2006 --> from the check_disasters notebook. disasters_mean_median.pkl: The disaster data aggregated for 1990-2011, the median and mean are shown for each state --> from the check_disasters notebook. graph_2006.p: The 2006 migration graph --> created from the n_analysis notebook. median_graph.p: The median graph --> created from the n_analysis notebook. in_migv2: The raw migration data. state_distances.csv: The distances between each state. state_mig_2006.pkl: The migration dataframe for 2006 --> created from the n_analysis notebook. state_mig_median.pkl: The median migration dataframe --> created from the n_analysis notebook.