
Wrapper for fetch calls

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Greenkeeper badge


npm install --save api-fetcher-treeline

To polyfill Promise and fetch see here

Basic usage

// In api.js ...
import { ApiFetcher } from 'api-fetcher-treeline/dist';

const setupApiFetcher = urlPrefix => {
	const api = new ApiFetcher(urlPrefix);

	if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
		api.setFetchOptions(/*Custom fetch options*/);

	return api;

const api = setupApiFetcher('https://somewhere.com/api');

export default api;

Then use it in react components:

import React from 'react';
import api from '../api';

export default class MyComponent extends React.Component {
	state = { todos: [] };

	render() {
		return <div id="some-content" />;

	// Send a GET request to endpoint /todos wrapped
	// in the ability to cancel it if the component unmounts
	// before the fetch has completed
	componentDidMount() {
		this.fetchRequest = api.cancelableGet('/todos');
		const { promise } = this.fetchRequest;
		promise.then(todos => /*Do something with todos*/)

	// Always cancel your requests in componentWillUnmount. This will have no effect
	// if the Promise has already resolved and its side effects have been issued.
	componentWillUnmount() {
		// or `api.revoke(this.fetchRequest);`

Here is the class definition with some comments.

import ApiSource from './ApiSource';
import { makeCancelable } from './makeCancelable';

export class ApiFetcher {
	constructor(urlPrefix, config) {
		this.api = new ApiSource(urlPrefix, config);

	// Use this to alter the default options passed to the fetch api
	setFetchOptions(fetchOptions) {

	// Sends a plain GET request using the Fetch api
	get(endpoint) {
		return this.api.call('GET', endpoint);

	// Sends a 'WrappedPromise' GET request (see notes below...)
	cancelableGet(endpoint) {
		return makeCancelable(this.get(endpoint));

	post(endpoint, body) {
		return this.api.call('POST', endpoint, body);

	// 'body' is the request body passed to fetch. It will be Json.stringify()ed
	cancelablePost(endpoint, body) {
		return makeCancelable(this.post(endpoint, body));

	del(endpoint) {
		return this.api.call('DELETE', endpoint);

	cancelableDel(endpoint) {
		return makeCancelable(this.del(endpoint));

	call(httpMethod, endpoint, body) {
		return this.api.call(httpMethod, endpoint, body);

	cancelableCall(httpMethod, endpoint, body) {
		return makeCancelable(this.call(httpMethod, endpoint, body));

	revoke(cancelableRequest) {...} // cancels a cancelableRequest

All the "cancelable" methods return a "WrappedPromise" object that is shaped like this:

const wrappedPromiseExample = {
	promise: [Promise], // This key points to the actual pending Promise
	cancel: [Function], // This function will reject() the Promise

Here are the default options passed on to the browser fetch api

const defaultFetchOptions = {
	headers: {
		'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
		'Content-Type': 'application/json ; charset=utf-8',
	credentials: 'include',
	mode: 'cors',

To overwrite these options, use the setFetchOptions() method

const setupApiFetcher = urlPrefix => {
	const api = new ApiFetcher(urlPrefix);

	if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
		api.setFetchOptions({ mode: 'cors', ...myOtherProdFetchOptions });

	return api;

If for some reason you neeed to hook into the response object, use config.onResponse()

const config = {
	onResponse: response => {
		if (response.status !== 401) {
			return response.json();
		} else {
			throw new Error('Response is not ok');

const api = new ApiFetcher('http://hello.com/api', config);
api.get("/todos").then(todos => /* Do something w/ your todos here */);


To run the test suite, run npm test.
