
RSS feed aggregator implementation using Java Concurrency

Primary LanguageJava

RSS Feed Aggregator

Project Description

RSS is a type of web feed which allows interested users to receive updates about their preferred web-based content within a very short time after it is updated.RSS Feed Reader aggregates multiple RSS feeds to display them in a single place. RSS Feed aggregator is the perfect project to demonstrate the power of multithreading. It is a means to show the famous problem of producer-consumer. There are multiple RSS Feed available on the web. To display the content of various sites in one place we need to -

  1. Request for that web page
  2. Wait till we receive a response of the feed
  3. Parse the elements of the feed
  4. Aggregate the result of various sources

Performing these 4 tasks in a sequential manner is a time consuming process and doesn’t utilize the computing power we have.If we delegated the tasks to multiple processors to do these process in a concurrent manner we will achieve faster retrieval of information.

In this project, we used various techniques to delegate tasks for concurrent execution. The techniques we implemented are as follows -

  • Blocking queues
  • Thread Pools
  • Direct Mapping to Threads
  • Sequential execution (to display the efficiency of concurrent techniques by comparison)

Pre-requisite for building


Maven installation instructions



Node package manager

Npm installation instructions

Install maven dependencies

mvn install

Build the project

mvn compile

To start application:

Using maven

mvn spring-boot:run

Using jar file:

Execute: mvn pacakage

Then: java -jar .\target\rss-aggregator-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Angular application

The angular application resides in webui directory

Navigate to it using: cd ./webui

Install dependencies for front end

npm install

Run the front end

ng serve --open