
This application is created for the Tangible Landscape project (see https://github.com/tangible-landscape/grass-tangible-landscape).




  1. Download installer from https://www.mongodb.com/download-center#community and follow instructions.
  2. Once the file is downloaded unzip it and rename (e.g., MongoDB) and move the folder to appropriate location (e.g., User directory).
  3. Create the folder a new folder and name it as you wish (e.g., "mongo-data") in the same directory as you saved MongoDB folder.
  4. Open Command line and change directory to MongoDB folder
 cd directory to your MongoDB folder/Server/3.4/bin  
  1. Set the MongoDB data directory. This will start up the MongoDB connection. If you see the "waiting for connections on port 27017" in your CMD after runnning below code then, you MongoDB server is running.
./mongod.exe --dbpath path to MongoDB data folder you created in step 3

Robo3T (formerly Robomongo - GUI for MongoDB)

Running Node.js server

  1. Download or clone the "TangibleLandscapeDashboard-MongoDB" folder
  2. Unzip it and move the folder to applicable directory.
  3. Open CMD and change directory to the "TangibleLandscapeDashboard-MongoDB" folder
  4. Install Node modules
npm install
  1. Run Node server - it starts port 3000
node app.js


  • All parameters are required.
  • See JSON data format in "/public/app/data" folder.
  • Currently, all error response code are 400.


URL Method URL Params Data Params Description
charts/radarBaseline POST None {u: {file: "xxx.json", locationId: "locationId"}} Registers a radar chart baseline data file.
charts/barBaseline POST None {u: {file: "xxx.json", locationId: "locationId"}} Registers a bar chart baseline data file.
charts/radar POST None {u: {{file: "xxx.json", locationId: "locationId", eventId: "eventId", playerId: "playerId"}} Registers individual player's radar chart data file.
charts/bar POST None {u: {file: "xxx.json", locationId: "locationId", eventId: "eventId"}} Registers bar chart data file.

File POST services success response example:

    "id": "5978c8211c6bed17f84dcb78",
    "fileName": "file-1501087777316.json",
    "metadata": {
        "originalName": "barchart_baseline.json",
        "info": {
            "locationId": "1"
    "state": "Success"

URL Method URL Params Data Params Description
charts/radarBaseline GET None {locationId: "locationId"} Retrieves the radar chart baseline data by location ID.
charts/radarBaselineId GET None {locationId: "locationId"} Retrieves the radar chart baseline file ID.
charts/barBaseline GET None {locationId: "locationId"} Retrieves the bar chart data by location ID.
charts/barBaselineId GET None {locationId: "locationId"} Retrieves the bar chart baseline file ID.
charts/radar GET None {locationId: "locationId", eventId: "eventId", playerId: "playerId"} Retrieves the radar chart data by given parameters.
charts/radarId GET None {locationId: "locationId", eventId: "eventId", playerId: "playerId"} Retrieves the radar chart file ID by given parameters.
charts/bar GET None {locationId: "locationId", eventId: "eventId"} Retrieves the bar chart data by given parameters.
charts/barId GET None {locationId: "locationId", eventId: "eventId"} Retrieves the bar chart file ID by given parameters.

Retriving file data
Example - /charts/bar?locationId=1&eventId=1002

        "axis": "Number of Dead Oaks",
        "options": false,
        "values": [
            {"value": 56784, "playerName": "Baseline", "attempt": ""},
            {"value": 52725, "playerName": "James", "attempt": "1"},
            {"value": 58037, "playerName": "David", "attempt": "1"}

Retrieving file id
Example - /charts/barId?locationId=1&eventId=1002

        "_id": "596e01ed13de3c248091ef41",
        "filename": "file-1500381677591.json",
        "contentType": "application/octet-stream",
        "length": 8098,
        "chunkSize": 261120,
        "uploadDate": "2017-07-18T12:41:17.664Z",
        "aliases": null,
        "metadata": {
            "originalName": "barchart_data.json",
            "info": {
                "locationId": "1",
                "eventId": "1002"
        "md5": "4250a628392c694d96f7e0a61cdb2482"

URL Method URL Params Data Params Description
charts/radarBaseline DELETE None {locationId: "locationId"} Deletes the radar chart file by location ID.
charts/barBaseline DELETE None {locationId: "locationId"} Deletes the bar chart file by location ID.
charts/radar/:id DELETE id=[ radar chart file ID ] None Deletes the individual player's radar chart data file.
charts/bar/:id DELETE id=[ bar chart file ID ] None Deletes the individual player's radar chart data file.

File DELETE services success response example

    "state": "Success",
    "message": "File deleted"


URL Method URL Params Data Params Description Success Response
/location POST None {name: name, county: county, state: state} Registers a new location. Example {"__v": 0, "_id": 1, "name": "Raleigh", "county": "Wake", "state": "NC"}
/location/:id GET id=locationId None Retrieves location information by location ID. Example [{"_id": 1, "name": "Raleigh", "Wake": "Wake", "state": "NC", __v": 0}]
/event POST None {locationId: locationId, eventName: eventName} Registers a event data. {"__v": 0, "_id": 1000, "name": "Fire 1", "locationId": "1"}
/event/location/:id GET id=locationId None Retrieves all events for a location. [{"_id": 1000, "name": "Fire 1", "locationId": "1", "__v": 0}]
/player POST None {name: name} Registers player name. {"__v": 0, "_id": 6, "name": "Amanda", "image": "24.png"}
/player/players GET None {_id: [list of player ids]} Retrieves player names for provided ids. [{"__v": 0, "_id": 6, "name": "Amanda", "image": "24.png"}, ...]
/player/:eventId GET eventId=eventId None Retrieve players by event Id [{pyerId": "7", "playerName": "Tammy"}, ...]
/play POST None {locationId: locationId, eventId: eventId, playerId: playerId} Registers each play. {"__v": 0, "_id": 13, "locationId": "1", "eventId": "1001", "playerId": "7"}
/play/:eventId GET eventId=eventId None Retrieve the play data by event Id [{"_id": 20, "locationId": "1", "eventId": "1001", "playerId": "7", "playerName": "Tammy", "__v": 0}, ...]
/current POST None {locationId: locationId, eventId: eventId, playerId: playerId,playerName: playerName} Register a current play information {"__v": 0, "_id": 1, "locationId": "1", "eventId": "1000", "playerId": "8", "playerName": "Sasaki"}
/current GET None None Retrieve all current play infomation {"__v": 0, "_id": 1, "locationId": "1", "eventId": "1000", "playerId": "8", "playerName": "Sasaki"}
/current DELETE None None Delete all current play data {"delete": "success"}


