
This project uses the Particle Photon with few other component along with IFTTT to create a system which detects low salt levels for water softner and notifies user through notificiation on their phone

Primary LanguageArduino

IF- Thing-

This project uses the Particle Photon with few other component along with IFTTT to create a system which can be used for a varity of things and notifications and actions.

Sensors used in the Project

  1. Motion
  2. Temperature
  3. Light
  4. RF signal sender

Main Executable file :final-project2.ino

Other library used: RCSWITCH (from photon IDE include this library)

Things you can do

  1. IFTTT action if certain temperature reached
  2. IFTTT action if certain light threshold is reached
  3. IFTTT action if motion is detected
  4. IFTTT action to control RF outlets or sending RF signals to devices which works with RF signal.