Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

## 28th june 2020 - Valérie
AnDA_analogs_forecasting function: add the tricube kernel
test_AnDA_CME.ipynb: add AF.kernel='gaussian' in the AF classes definitions 
AnDA_optimize_number_analogs: creation

## 29th june 2020 - Valérie
AnDA_analogs_forecasting function: move the computation of the tree at the first iteration (from Juan's code)

## 29th june 2020 - Pierre T
AnDA_data_assimilation function: computation of the innovation likelihood at the central location (in the output of the function, we can get the classic likelihood and the central one)

## 7th july 2020 - Valérie
AnDA_data_assimilation_temp function (temporary copy of AnDA_data_assimilation function): add the multiplicative adaptive inflation as in Juan's codes. 
AnDA_generate_data: add the possibility to change the seed (usefull for repetitions)

## 9th july 2020 - Valérie
AnDA_generate_data function: correction to "align" the catalog on the state time series (GD.dt_states was not taken into account in the generation of the catalog).