Chat app
Frontend: Built using ReactJS (React Hooks, React Router), Ant Design for React.
Backend: Using NodeJS, ExpressJS
Sending and receive messages was done using
- Server side: Heroku.
- Client side: Surge.
Function: +Send and receive messages. +Upload files: only show the detail in console (Haven't successfully shown to users)
How to use:
For normal user: +) So far, the project has been deployed to heroku and surge, you can access it using this surge link:
But since I still haven't been able to bypass CORS (hence the link's name's name), you should be able to use the send and receive function by using a browser extension Moesif CORS To use that extension, turn it from "off" to "on"; after that, you will be able to use the app.
For dev: +) Clone the repo. +) cd chat-app
+) Server: + cd to server + npm start
+) Client: + cd client + In Conversation.js file, change the ENDPOINT to localhost:5000 + npm start
Thank you for using :)) This was a demo and a testimonial for my self learning ability (and copy, paste skill :b), it has been a fun ride. After this, I realized that I really hate styling website, it encourage me to move toward backend side of things.
I may continue to improve this app, or move on with my intention of learning Python and do some fun stuff with it.
Yeah, but this is fun :D