
Primary LanguagePython


Official implementation of "Text2Model: Model Induction for Zero-shot Generalization Using Task Descriptions".

We study the problem of generating a training-free task-dependent visual classifier from text descriptions without visual samples. We analyze the symmetries of T2M, and characterize the equivariance and invariance properties of corresponding models. In light of these properties we design an architecture based on hypernetworks that given a set of new class descriptions predicts the weights for an object recognition model which classifies images from those zero-shot classes. We demonstrate the benefits of our approach compared to zero-shot learning from text descriptions in image and point-cloud classification using various types of text descriptions: From single words to rich text descriptions.

The text-to-model learning problem and our architecture

T2M-HN architecture

Main results


Install Docker

  • sudo apt install docker.io
  • sudo groupadd docker
  • sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
  • newgrp docker

Pull and run the docker image

  • docker pull amosy3/t2m:latest
  • docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/data:rw --name text2model amosy3/t2m:latest

Get code and data

  • git clone https://github.com/amosy3/Text2Model.git
  • cd Text2Model
  • wget https://chechiklab.biu.ac.il/~amosy/awa.zip
  • unzip awa.zip
  • wget https://chechiklab.biu.ac.il/~amosy/cub.zip
  • unzip cub.zip
  • wget https://chechiklab.biu.ac.il/~amosy/sun.zip
  • unzip sun.zip
  • wget https://chechiklab.biu.ac.il/~amosy/gpt_label2descriptors.pkl
  • wget https://chechiklab.biu.ac.il/~amosy/label2attributes_names.pkl

Run an experiment

  • Use wandb login to login to you wandb account. You will be asked to paste an API key from your profile. It can be found under Profilie-> Settings-> AIP keys
  • git config --global --add safe.directory /data
  • python main.py --batch_size=64 --hn_train_epochs=100 --hnet_hidden_size=120 --inner_train_epochs=3 --lr=0.005 --momentum=0.9 --weight_decay=0.0001 --text_encoder SBERT --hn_type EV