
[CVE-2020-24164] Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability via Java's Serializable interface

ptaoussanis opened this issue · 5 comments


This vulnerability kindly pointed out in an excellent report by @solita-timo-mihaljov. Huge thanks to Timo!

Quick summary

  • Nippy versions from v2.5.0-beta1 (24 Oct 2013) and before v2.15.0 final (24 Jul 2020) contain an RCE (Remote Code Execution) vulnerability that may allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code when thawing a malicious payload controlled by the attacker.

  • Similar vulnerabilities in the Jackson library have been given "High" CVE scores of 7.5 out of 10.

Who is affected?

You are vulnerable if the following conditions all hold:

  • You are thawing (deserializing) data from an untrusted source (usually not a great idea in general), or an attacker is somehow able to inject data into a trusted source.
  • You are using a Nippy version from v2.5.0-beta1 (Oct 2013) through v2.15.0-RC1.
  • You have vulnerable "gadget" classes on your classpath that can be combined into a "gadget chain".
    • Important: Clojure <= v1.8 itself unfortunately includes such a chain.
    • Many other libraries do too, some examples here.

Attack description

  1. Attacker creates a malicious payload: an object of specific vulnerable class/es, which include malicious code.
  2. Attacker manages to get the system to freeze and then thaw this malicious payload.
  3. On thawing, the malicious arbitrary code is run within the same JVM process.

How was the vulnerability introduced?

With commit 9448d2b (24 Oct 2013), Nippy introduced a feature to allow the automatic use of Java's Serializable interface as a fallback for types that Nippy didn't support via its own Freezable protocol.

Unfortunately I wasn't aware of the concept of a gadget-chain attack until this report.


Upgrade to Nippy >= v2.15.0 final. Always prefer the latest stable version when possible.

Upgrade instructions

Upgrading to v3 from earlier versions

v3 is safe by default, and often relatively painless to upgrade to.

Default v3 behaviour:

  • freeze will continue to allow any Serializable class to be frozen, as in older vulnerable versions of Nippy.
  • When thaw encounters a disallowed Serialized class, it will:
    • Throw if the object was frozen with Nippy < v2.15.0 final.
    • Otherwise it will return a safely quarantined object of form {:nippy/unthawable {:class-name <> :content <quarantined-ba>}.
    • The default thaw allowlist contains a number of common safe class names. See its value for details.

Quarantined objects may:

  • Be manually unquarantined with read-quarantined-serializable-object-unsafe!.
  • Themselves be safely frozen, thawed, transported, etc.

Customising v3 behaviour:

There are two relevant allowlists for you to configure:

See their docstrings for detailed configuration info and example values.

In most cases, you'll want to leave *freeze-serializable-allowlist* to its default (permissive) value, then customize *thaw-serializable-allowlist* based on your risk profile and needs:

  • If you never thaw untrusted payloads (ideal goal whenever possible): a permissive *thaw-serializable-allowlist* like {"*"} would be fine.
  • If you may thaw untrusted payloads: consider expanding the default set of allowed classes as necessary.

Upgrading to v2.5 from earlier versions

v2.5 is safe by default, but can be somewhat painful to upgrade to due to the risk of freeze throwing in cases where it previously didn't throw. Prefer upgrading to v3 if possible.

Default v2.5 behaviour:

  • When freeze encounters a disallowed Serialized class, it will throw.
  • When thaw encounters a disallowed Serialized class, it will:
    • Throw if the object was frozen with Nippy < v2.15.0 final.
    • Otherwise it will return a safely quarantined object of form {:nippy/unthawable {:class-name <> :content <quarantined-ba>}.
    • The default allowlist may contain a number of common safe class names. See its value for details.

Customising v2.5 behaviour:

See *serializable-whitelist* docstring for detailed configuration info and example values.

Questions? Suggestions?

Please feel free to comment on this thread. Will make a best effort to prioritise responses on this topic.

Is there a good way to get 2.14.2 to spit out a list of types it's seen over time?

Hi @glenjamin, very nice idea!

The code snippets below will allow any class to use Nippy's Serializable support, and record its class name. You can use these snippets while transitioning from a vulnerable to safe configuration. They'll let you see which classes Nippy has been using Serializable for under-the-covers.

If you're satisfied that all the recorded classes are safe, you can then add them to Nippy's default allowlist.

Example for v3:

See also allow-and-record-any-serializable-class-unsafe docstring for more info.

(alter-var-root #'*freeze-serializable-allowlist* (fn [_] "allow-and-record"))
(alter-var-root   #'*thaw-serializable-allowlist* (fn [_] "allow-and-record"))

(comment (get-recorded-serializable-classes)) ; Call/log after some time

  ;; If you're satisfied that the recorded classes are safe, you can merge them
  ;; into Nippy's default allowlist:
  (alter-var-root #'thaw-serializable-allowlist*
    (fn [_] (into default-thaw-serializable-allowlist
              (keys (get-recorded-serializable-classes)))))

Example for v2.15 or v2.14.2:

;; Deref for set of all class names that made use of Nippy's Serializable support:
(defonce observed-serializables_ (atom #{}))

  (fn [_]
    (fn allow-classname? [class-name]
      (swap! observed-serializables_ conj class-name) ; Record class
      true ; Allow any class

(comment @observed-serializables_) ; Call/log after some time

  ;; If you're satisfied that the recorded classes are safe, you can merge them
  ;; into Nippy's default allowlist:
    (fn [_] (into default-serializable-whitelist observed-serializables_))))


Quick update: keeping this open since I'm still waiting for a CVE ID to be issued.
Just pinged the folks at cve.mitre.org to see if there's been any follow-up on the request.

CVE-2020-24164 was issued yesterday, closing.

Sorry about the pinning toggle! I thought it was just local to my session, that also reminded me I have contrib access here I think.