- 4
String array deserialization
#178 opened by KGOH - 1
Nippy v3.5.0-RC1
#179 opened by ptaoussanis - 5
The with-cache macro is marked private
#175 opened by scarytom - 2
Reducing the dependency footprint
#176 opened by scarytom - 2
CVE on tools-reader 1.4.2
#173 opened by slipset - 1
A question about extend-freeze
#174 opened by RokLenarcic - 1
Nippy v3.4.0 final
#167 opened by ptaoussanis - 3
Cannot `freeze-to-file` and `thaw-from-file` objects that are larger than 2GB
#172 opened by RokLenarcic - 16
- 2
Support UUID (and inst)?
#170 opened by carrete - 1
Question: does Nippy Zstandard support training?
#168 opened by lowecg - 10
freeze/thaw backed by a bytebuffer
#140 opened by huahaiy - 1
Nippy v3.4.0-RC1
#166 opened by ptaoussanis - 3
Offer public API for Nippy type info
#151 opened by ptaoussanis - 6
Support for Clojure CLR?
#156 opened by luposlip - 3
- 5
- 8
JDK 21 benchmarks
#164 opened by lowecg - 3
should `extend-freeze` affect `freezable?`
#162 opened by mk - 5
Possible to create deterministic encryption?
#161 opened by brancusi - 6
Handling unfreezable data
#160 opened by lowecg - 5
Is there a written out spec for the binary format?
#147 opened by bowbahdoe - 1
Add `xform` support to thaw
#153 opened by ptaoussanis - 0
Upgrade data encryption to use new Tempel lib
#157 opened by ptaoussanis - 11
Cache (references)
#154 opened by RokLenarcic - 3
Thawing var leads to error
#143 opened by aneilbaboo - 5
Bump encore to 3.49 to avoid "Insufficient com.taoensso/encore version" error in timbre
#155 opened by aneilbaboo - 6
- 2
[Bug] Freezing `deftype` instances fail with fields that have dash in the name
#145 opened by Outrovurt - 1
freeze with carmine with lz4-compressor
#148 opened by ilevd - 21
*freeze-fallback* name misleading ?
#141 opened by behrica - 2
Quick Question about custom types
#149 opened by Outrovurt - 5
[CVE-2020-24164] Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability via Java's Serializable interface
#130 opened by ptaoussanis - 5
- 2
- 6
GC overhead limit exceeded when thawing after a freeze
#136 opened by eihli - 1
- 1
Serializing clojure.core.cache.TTLCache failed
#124 opened by stefan-toubia - 2
Unfreezable type: class java.time.Instant
#128 opened by altfatterz - 7
Nippy has long require times when a project has clojure.core.async included
#133 opened by cnuernber - 2
No such var: enc/srng
#132 opened by solatis - 12
serializable-whitelist from a JVM property?
#131 opened by jarohen - 3
- 1
freezing large clojure map with java int arrays
#125 opened by drorbemet - 2
decode in different language (golang)
#121 opened by adambl - 3
Disable metadata freezing
#122 opened by kennyjwilli - 3
strange freezable? result
#120 opened by aiba - 2
Serialise deserialise with nippy to a string
#127 opened by piotr-yuxuan - 2
GraalVM support
#119 opened by borkdude - 1