
Turns monitor on and off - Raspberry pi

Primary LanguagePython


Turns monitor on and off

Download files to your root directory on your pi

Go here to install wiring pi [if you already haven't!] follow the directions there!


NOW for your sensor... Please hook up all wiring to your GPIO Hook up your power and ground wire to the appropriate GPIO pins [Power pin 2, Ground pin 6] Hook up your trigger wire to GPIO Pin 11 which is called GPIO17

chmod all files: From a terminal window in your root directory:

sudo chmod +x pir.py

sudo chmod +x monitor_off.sh

sudo chmod +x monitor_on.sh

Editing pir.py

Go to this line: PIR_PIN = 17 # Pin 11 on the board

IF you want to change PIR_PIN for some reason:

You will need to change this to the pin you're using on the pi for your sensor, to make it easy I would just use it the way it's setup. Remember that what the pi reads and what the actual pin number is is not the same.

Google RPI3 GPIO pins and you'll get plenty of pictures of it.

Last step:

In a terminal window from your root directory enter:

sudo crontab -e

On the last line enter:

@reboot python /home/pi/pir.py &

Hit CRTL-O to save then exit

Reboot your pi


In the pir.py go to the line:

SHUTOFF_DELAY = 20 # seconds

That's how long if NO motion is dectected the pi will shut off the screen. Change it to your desired number of seconds.

Other things: If you don't want to put this in your home directory then you can clone to the directory of your choice BUT remember to adjust your path in crontab... or it won't work!

Alternative script for using a APDS-9930

Install as above plus APDS-9930 library from https://github.com/Depaulicious/python-apds9930

Connect APDS-9930 module to the I2C bus to use the script.

Reference proximity.sh from your rc.local and ensure that the directory is updated to the location of the proximity python script.