
Connect to the OsiPi WebApi, generate the thingmodel and update properties

OSIPi REST Api Integration

About OSIPi Rest

The OSIPi REST API is HATEOAS based, and provides access to the entire Asset Framework Structure. For more information about the API itself, please take a look at the official page. Also, this article goes a long way explaining the concepts.

Thingworx Implementation.

In thingworx, the following functionality is available:

  • Automatically generate the Thingmodel based on the AF from Pi. Generation can be recursive (meaning create a thing for each element in the AF structure) or flat, meaning that you only go one level deep.
  • Automatically update the properties values based on the latest OSIPi data.

Thingworx Entities

  • OsiPiWebConnectorThingTemplate: Responsable for connecting to OSIPi, and doing basic requests
  • OsiPiWebTransformerThing: Handles transforming the OSiPi data into an infotable, as well as generating the Thingmodel based on that infotable.
    • The flat method also looks at the tagId for each property, and includes it in the property name.
    • The generated property descriptions contains essential information about the property, linking it to OsiPi. It cannot be manually modified.
  • OsiPiWebThingShape: ThingShape that marks all the OSIPi exported elements. A service is availalbe on each allowing the automatic property updates
  • OsiPiUpdaterScheduler: Automatically updates all properties of all things marked with the above thingshape.

#This Extension is provided as-is and without warranty or support. It is not part of the PTC product suite. This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license