How to run the project:

  • Clone the Repo.
  • On project's root directory run: npm install && bower install
  • Initialize MongoDB
  • On root directory run: node api/index.js
  • Navigate to http://localhost:9000

Test project description:

  • Project should consist of 2 parts: back-end (API) and front-end.
  • You should use mongodb database (mongoose package or any other)
  • Make it possible to perform all user actions via the API, including authentication.
  • Code quality is very important and project structure should be well organized.

Required functionality:

  • User must be able to create an account and log in

  • User can add (and edit and delete) a time record with 3 fields: note about what he has worked on, date, time spent

  • User should be able to see how much time he worked each day on "Report" page, this page should have date filter from-to. Example report:

    Date Total time Notes
    21.07 9h "Login&registration", "Another note"

How to work on this project:

  1. Fork this repository (you will need a github account)
  2. Write code. Make meaningful commits.
  3. When test project is complete push code to github and send us a link to your(forked) repository