
Simple tools to help improve the speed of development

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Simple tools to help improve the speed of development



Inside of your main activity, please initialize the plugin in order to use the DependencyService injections like so:

com.ptdave.xamarin.Helper.Initialize(this, savedInstanceState);


Inside of your AppDelegate, please initialize the plugin in order to use the DependencyService injections like so:


File Helper

The file helper is intended to prevent having to create your own file location handlers for plugins like SQLite or others.

var fileService = DependencyService.Get<IFileHelper>();
var dbPath = fileService.DatabaseFile("data.db");

Additional paths will become available as necessary

Font Helpers

Simple addons to retrieve all the font unicode values for FontAwesome 5 and Material Icons

Add the following to your xml


Then you can access it easily like so (Your font family may vary):

            FontFamily="{StaticResource fa-fab}"
            Glyph="{x:Static fonthelper:FAB.Microsoft}"
            Color="Black" />


Several behaviors are there to simplify some work and validation

  • InputMask - Input masking for entries
  • Minimum Length - Does the input string meet the required length?
  • RegExp Tester - Does the input match the enterred regex?
  • Had Focus - Has the field had focus?

Value Converters

These are some simple converters

  • GreaterThan (Returns true if a value is greater than specified parameter)
  • IsEmpty (Returns if a string or IEnumerable is empty)
  • Invert (false to true, true to false)
  • IsNull (Bound object is null (true/false))
  • IsNotEmpty (Returns if a string or IEnumerable is not empty)
  • IsNotNull (Bound object is not null (true/false))
  • StringLength (Returns the length of the bound string, defaults 0)
  • ToCurrency (Returns double value to Currency i.e. ToString("C"))
  • ToLower (Returns string in lowercase)
  • ToUpper (Returns string to uppercase)

Accessible by adding the following to your ContentPage Xaml:


The following is an example of adding it to the ResourceDictionary for that ContentPage

        <vc:Invert x:Key="Invert" />
        <vc:IsNotNull x:Key="IsNotNull" />
        <vc:IsNull x:Key="IsNull" />
        <vc:StringLength x:Key="StringLength" />


I accept pull request. I just ask that you please discuss with me first what you want to accomplish to see if it fits the project.


The following people have either helped in the project or allowed their code snippets to be used in the project.