
##Project description A smoke detector is an inexpensive device that saves people from being killed in a fire. The device is triggered by smoke: it begins to emit a very loud beep. The detector is designed to Wake up sleeping people, or draw the attention of neighbors to what is happening. According to statistics, the presence of such a device reduces the number of deaths in fires by 75%, as evidenced by the experience of other countries, where the installation of a detector has long been mandatory.


  • Esengulova Nazik
  • Diusheev Temirlan
  • Diushenalieva Aiana
  • Idirisova Altynai

![Image][Images/main_image.png] Project at Thingverse

Parts list

amount part
1 led
1 Arduino UNO r3
1 gas sensor
1 piezoelectric element
3 resistor