
Bare bones HTTP server for Twitter authorization; deployable to Heroku

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

This is a very quick & dirty HTTP server for authorizing accounts against a Twitter app. It's made to deploy to Heroku but would be easy to run elsewhere.

$ heroku create -b https://github.com/kr/heroku-buildpack-go.git

Create a new application at Twitter: https://apps.twitter.com/

When asked for a callback url, take the url from heroku create above and append /callback, e.g. https://ancient-temple-243.herokuapp.com/callback.

$ heroku config:set TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY="your app consumer key"
$ heroku config:set TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET="your app consumer secret"

$ git push heroku master

Visit https://[your app]/auth to authorize. You'll get back your access token and secret.