Fusiontalk is a simple WebRTC many-to-many video chat with node.js-based websocket signalling server.
Live demo is available at http://spaceify.net/talk
###Running the server
In the nodejs directory, open the file webrtccoordinator.js, and edit the line
var LISTEN_ADDRESS = {host: "localhost", port: "9753"};
to match your configuration.
Then give the commands:
npm install
node webrtccoordinator.js
###Setting up the client web page
Go to root directory, open the file webrtcclient.js, and edit the line
var COORDINATOR_ADDRESS = {host: "localhost", port: 9753};
to point to your server.
Now serve the web directory on your server with the web server of your linking, and
open the index.html with your favourite (modern) web browser. Note: you need to use a
web server, as WebRTC cannot be used from file:// URLs.