Entrepreneur Ideas Management Web App for UPM2016 Agile Course


Before starting, make sure that your prompt is located in the root directory of the project.

Node Modules Install

run npm install from the project's root folder.

Database Setup

  1. If you have not done it already, install a mysql database, such as MariaDB
  2. First, start the database service with:
  • mysql.server start on Unix
  • Run the C:\Program Files\MariaDB 10.1\bin\mysqld.exe file.
  1. Then run connect to the management console with:
  • mysql -h localhost -u root
  • Run the C:\Program Files\MariaDB 10.1\bin\mysql.exe file.
  1. Update the root password to root1 with SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('root1');.
  2. Create the database and tables (use absolute paths on Windows):
  • \. private/database/sql/public_users.sql for the users table.
  • \. private/database/sql/public_ideas.sql for the ideas table.

N.B.: You will have to use mysql -h localhost -u root -p with the new password next time you want to connect to the management console.

Running the web application

Once all the previous commands have been executed, you can run it with the command node private/server.js.