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Mod 1 + Rock, Paper, Scissors

Table of Contents


The aim of this project was to create a fully functioning and playable Rock, Paper, Scissors game.

Players can choose "Classic" or "Difficult" mode.

Players play against a Computer. After playing at least one game in a Mode, players can change game modes.

The player's and computer's scores are saved and are displayed on the left and right sides respectively.


  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS

Code Architecture

The application consists of a single HTML page and three JavaScript files.

  1. player.js contains a Player class
  • Player methods include:
    • constructor
    • saveWinsToStorage
    • retrieveWinsFromStorage
    • takeTurn
  1. game.js contains a Game class
  • Player methods include:
    • constructor
    • trackGameData
    • checkForWinConditions
    • detectDraw
    • resetBoard
  1. main.js contains DOM-related JavaScript


Install + Setup

  • Play the app here. OR
  • Open the index.html in your brower to run and play the game.



  • Created a working CSS "casino" theme.
  • Refactoring the code to remove any DOM manipulation from classes
  • Fixing 2 issues on time:
    • Debugged win counter
    • Fixing issue of timer not resetting when first result was a Draw

Challenges + Improvements

  • Challenges: It was difficult to follow the suggested iterations and to create the classes first.
  • Improvements: Next time, I will work on creating the classes first then work on the main JS file.
  • Bugs: None
  • Future Iterations:
    • Create a "Casino-like" experience by holding and showing fighter icons as cards as in a casino table game.
    • Add a "Reset Score" button to reset the score on click.

Project Specs

The project spec & rubric can be found here