
Primary LanguageJavaScript

What's Cookin'? Starter Kit

Table of Contents

Overview and Project Goals

The goal of this group project that was made for Mod1 at Turing School of Software and Design is to build a Rock Paper Scissor's Game from scratch using HTML, CSS, and Vanilla Javascript.

Why was this project created?

To solidify and demonstrate the understanding of:

  1. writing clean and DRY HTML, CSS, and JS
  2. understand the difference between the data model and how the data is displayed on the DOM
  3. the interaction between multiple class files
  4. implementation of client-side data persistence by utilizing JSON and localStorage


  • A web app that would allow user to filter through recipes by tag, recipe name, or any ingredient.
  • Allows uuser to favorite or unfavorite recipes
  • Allows users to add recipe "To Cook" category.

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How does this work?

GitHub Page Link: https://github.com/Fakhatova/whats-cookin/edit/main/README.md

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Want to contribute?

Instructions for Running Project

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. cd into the repository in your terminal.
  3. Then open index.html in your terminal to view it on your browser.

Technologies Used

javascript html5 CSS3 Github

Project Reflection

  • Getting the test-suites and classes done
  • Creating the basic structure for HTML and CSS
  • This whole project was stressfull.
Overall Impressions
  • This project was really challenging.

Future Features

  • Having a fully functional page.



  • Fara Akhatova
  • Eva Navarrete


  • none

Project Manager

Nik Seif

This project was created for Turing School of Software and Design

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