
A source code for .NET Thailand website (dotnetthailand.com)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

.NET Thailand official website (https://www.dotnetthailand.com)

How to contribute to this project

  • Fork this repository to your own GitHub account and then clone it to your local machine.
  • Create a new branch, name it to what you are going to change/add. Please use kebab-case naming.
git checkout -b your-branch-name
  • Start your work, commit the code.
  • Push your changes to your origin.
git push origin -u your-branch-name
  • Open a new PR targeting the main branch of dotnetthailand.github.io
  • Waiting for reviewing.
  • Fix your PR from PR's feedback, commit and push your code again.
git push
  • Waiting for your PR to be merged.

How run this project locally

  • Install Yarn and Gatsby as a global tool.
  • Clone the repository to your local machine.
  • CD to the root of project folder.
  • Install all dependencies.
$ yarn
  • Run a project and enable hot-reload.
yarn start
  • Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:8000.
  • Change some contents of content/index.mdx and you will find browser auto reload and show what you have changed.

Road map

  • Migrate contents from .NET FAQ and Awesome .NET Thailand
  • .NET Road map from cheat sheet project
  • Useful libraries


  • Fix Chrome local and supporting Mermaid
  • Improve Mermaid too small font and hard to read on a mobile phone
  • Missing Emoji in a content 👋
  • favicon of .NET Thailand
  • PWA
  • Disable ask to load a new content popup, implicit load new content
  • Hover content header to show anchor like Markdown in GitHu and
  • Broken table of content in a Markdown page
  • An image lose quality because it is get transformed
  • Caching issue when disable JavaScript and the website not load in a browser
  • The first toggled item cannot be collapsed.
  • Add Facebook Comments Plugin to all content pages
  • Enable search
  • Remove limit only first 100 contributors, use pagination.
  • Add Jest unit test and GitHub workflow

Trouble shooting

How to create a custom React component and use it in .mdx file

  • TODO

Useful information