PAC-man - The AIO ROM

Support Our Sites

We have created many different ways to follow us. Please visit and support our efforts

[PAC-man Website] (

[PAC-man Forum] (

[PAC-man Downloads] (

[PAC-man Gerrit] (

[PAC-man Stats] (

[PAC-man Google+] (

[PAC-man Facebook] (

Submitting Patches

We're open source, and patches are always welcome! You can send patches by using these commands:

cd <project>
<make edits>
git add -A
git commit -a
git push ssh://<username><project> HEAD:refs/for/cm-10.2

OR you can use our script to push, have a look at [pac-review] (

Register at and use the username that you registered there in the above command

Commit your patches in a single commit. Squash multiple commit using this command: git rebase -i HEAD~<# of commits>

If you are going to make extra additions, just repeat steps (Don't repo start again), but instead of git commit -a use git commit --amend. Gerrit will recognize it as a new patchset.

To view the status of your and others patches, visit PAC-man Code Review

Getting Started

To get started with PAC-man, you'll need to get familiar with Git and Repo.

To initialize your local repository using the PAC-man trees, use a command like this:

repo init -u git:// -b <branch>

Then to sync up:

repo sync

Then to build:

./ <device_name>

For information on how to build, check Here Our Official IRC Channel: #pac-rom