###1a. Intital Submitting of Form
Have a play around seeing what you get in the $_POST
array when you submit the form:
###1b. Getting values from POST See how I am grabbing the content of POST: https://github.com/ptimson/cfduncan/archive/8dbacc820ef9248efe1ba7bf5c4f4d7b7729c4dc.zip
###1c. Storing to file Let's store the values as a CSV!! https://github.com/ptimson/cfduncan/archive/85e43f961779d9a8023274209b3edaf58dcd9ce7.zip
###1d. Printing CSV
We have a new page! table.php
Lets see how we get the CSV contents
###1e. Creating Table in bootsrap Let's make the bootstrap table ready to display the results https://github.com/ptimson/cfduncan/archive/01654ac4228cafcf7508e9a6a412adfcd3e4a0ac.zip
###1f. Lets Populate the data with PHP
Sorry I messed up 1e.
abit and it only read the first line of the CSV so I had to correct near the top
###1g. Cleanup Cleaned and Sexy ;) https://github.com/ptimson/cfduncan/archive/2a6dcf249434158bf08444b426e33696dead9960.zip
###1e. Wait we have a bug! Flick between two pages - You'll see that more items get added the the table... Let's fix this https://github.com/ptimson/cfduncan/archive/116ba6e6b7c73d9f1207f214140a351de76f1941.zip
You may want to use a DataPicker in future: https://bootstrap-datepicker.readthedocs.io/en/latest/