
Movies application with Redux Toolkit best practices

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Movies - Redux Toolkit

This is a version of the Movies demo application built using modern practices (as of 2022) for Redux Toolkit.


  • Created a new app using create vite.
  • Created another new app using create-react-app with the Redux toolkit + TypeScript template. Copied over the features and app folders.
  • Linked up the app.
  • Added a bunch of other dependencies:
    • Vitest/Testing Library
    • ESLint/Prettier/Husky/Lint Staged
    • Tailwind


I made this mostly because I really hated working with Redux (especially Redux Sagas), but after learning about all the changes that has been made to remove the boilerplate, I wanted to give it another shot.

The current React demo application uses Redux, but not in the same way that's being recommended with Redux Toolkit. It's not using TypeScript, and is centered around Next.js, which is not the focus of this project.

Lessons learned

This is a living document that I will add to while building out the application.

  • I am starting to prefer json for most configuration files, mostly because most examples are written in json, and it makes it a lot easier to transition and copy/paste (especially compared to yaml).
  • I created a util file which includes getAliasEntries. The motivation is to create one single source of truth for aliases (coming from tsconfig.json). However, vite (and rollup as well as webpack if I'm not mistaken) don't take in aliases as a glob. I'm pretty sure there's room for a package to be built around this problem (if not already).
  • I really like that create vite exposes the vite.config.ts file directly, rather than hiding it behind a package (like in create-react-app or nx). It makes it a lot easier to extend.
  • There are a couple problems (nitpicky details) I have about the original file structure from create-react-app (which is the same file structure promoted by Mark Erikson).
    • Contents of app folder should be in features
      • The app folder can cause naming clashes, since most React apps have a file called App.tsx, and importing everything through an index.ts is a common pattern (that I use in this app).
      • All of the logic within app is very closely related to everything within features, and it's odd that they're so split far apart (with multiple ../.. import statements).
      • I advocate placing hooks.ts and store.ts within the features folder directly. It makes imports look nicer, and puts all related logic in the same location.
      • This structure also sits better with monorepo strucutres (particularly the type that Nx prefers).
    • counterSlice should not default import counterReducer
      • If the file is named counterSlice, it strikes me that the default import should be counterSlice itself, rather than the reducer. I removed the default import and exported a separate variable specifically named counterReducer.
    • Circular dependency in counterSlice
      • There's a circular type dependency that I discovered when changing the default import. It's caused by using RootState within the slice file, as the state and dispatch types are dependent on the exports from the slice.
      • I don't disagree with pooling all the logic together, since having to switch between multiple files was one of my biggest gripes about sagas. The comments in the default file even mention it's optional. However, circular dependencies can cause confusion. I don't really have any good solutions for this, other than adding a comment that the RootState type is dependent on the export.
    • counterAPI should be counterApi
      • Super nitpicky, but counterApi is better camel casing. The reason is because, if we were to ever run it through some parsing mechanism (e.g. to snake case), it would be counter-a-p-i rather than counter-api. It's true that JavaScript itself isn't particularly consistent, but I think it's important to establish here.
    • Should add index.ts
      • Helps prevent having to dig through all the file imports to find the right thing, and also encourages use of proper aliasing.
  • I've tried a variety of UI libraries. I really like TailwindCSS, but it doesn't play very well with the most popular UI libraries (namely MUI and Chakra). I tried a variety of different options, and most of the Tailwind based libraries are unnecessarily complex, until I found Daisy UI. It was one of the few libraries that had a NavBar, and where the copy/paste examples "just worked."