
Used to mount ISO images in Lanchbox then run with RPCS3 emulator

Primary LanguagePowerShell


This is a PowerShell script to mount an ISO image to be run in the RPCS3 emulator using Launchbox and unmount when program closes.

Can also be used without Lanchbox. Follow step 1 below then run in powershell like: .\RPCS3-ISO-LaunchBox.ps1 -ISOpath D:\my.iso

Can be run directly in Launchbox using PowerShell

Discussion: RPCS3 ISO support


  1. Copy RPCS3-ISO-LaunchBox.ps1 script to same folder as the RPCS3.exe.
    • If you don't want to put script in same folder, change $RPCS3path variable to your rpcs3.exe file.
$RPCS3path = "$PSScriptRoot\rpcs3.exe"  
# this is default and loads rpcs3.exe from same folder as script, no change needed.
$RPCS3path = "D:\Path\To\rpcs3.exe"     
# change to path directly to script anywhere IF NEEDED.
  1. Setup Launch box emulator like below screenshot.
    • Emulator name can be whatever you want.
    • Set application path to Powershell.exe. I used Powershell 7 but WindowsPowershell shoud work as well.


Powershell 7 application path

C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe

WindowsPowershell application path


Default Command-Line Parameters:

-noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -WindowStyle hidden -file "E:\LaunchBox\Emulators\rpcs3\RPCS3-ISO-LaunchBox.ps1"
  • Change path to where you put the RPCS3-ISO-LaunchBox.ps1 script.

  1. Now to test by editing an ISO in Launchbox and change emulator to what you named your emulator, my example "RPCS3 ISO Launcher".


  1. Launch game with Lanchbox and hope for the best. 😁


This is a PowerShell script to decrypt and mount an ISO image to be run in the RPCS3 emulator using Launchbox after closing it will unmount and delete decrypted iso.

Same installation setup as RPCS3-ISO-LaunchBox.ps1 but extra options needed and need to be changed in script.


  • windows computer
  • ps3dec.exe tested using PS3Dec_R5
  • dkeys for each game.
  • encrypted PS3 ISO files.
  • Powershell.
$PS3DEC = "$PSScriptRoot\ps3dec\PS3Dec.exe"  
## must point to ps3dec.exe.  Default is in ps3dec folder with rpcs3.exe
$KeysPath = "$PSScriptRoot\dkeys" 
## Must point to folder with dkeys.  Default is in folder called dkeys with rpcs3.exe
$DecryptPath = '' 
## Must point to folder where decrypted ISO will be written.  Default is same folder as orginal ISO
$DeleteFile = 'yes'  
##yes is default and deletes decrypted iso after use.  'no' will keep ISO for next time you load game.  Uses more HDD space

Discussion: RPCS3-Decrypt-ISO-LaunchBox


Simple script to bulk decrypt a folder full of encrypted ISOs.


  • windows computer
  • ps3dec.exe tested using PS3Dec_R5
  • dkeys for each game.
  • encrypted PS3 ISO files.
  • Powershell. Must set execution_policy to remotesigned.
    Set-ExecutionPolicy remotesigned -force


  • Download script and edit with notepad or your favorite text\code editor.
  • Change 1st 4 variables to paths that suit your needs.
    • $PS3DEC - Path to ps3dec.exe file. Example: 'C:\path\ps3dec.exe'
    • $ISOroot - Path to where you have your encrypted ISOs stored. Name must match dkey file exactly excluding file extension.
    • $ISODecrypt - Path to folder where decrypted ISO files will be written.
    • $dkeys - Path to folder that include all dkeys for your ISO files. Must be named same as ISO file excluding file extension.
  • Open Powershell and set execution policy with command
    • Set-ExecutionPolicy remotesigned -force
    • May need to restart powershell afterwards if each ISO asks for a confirmation prompt.
  • Enter path to the saved script and run.

Troubleshooting ISO launcher

E SYS: Booting ':/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/EBOOT.BIN' with cli argument failed: reason: Invalid file or folder

  • If RPCS3 gives error about path, may need to change mount wait time. Edit script and change line 12: Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 Change 2 to 3 or however many seconds your system needs to mount your ISO.

RPCS3 closes to fast

  • If RPSS3 is slower to start on your system Edit line 20 and change -Seconds to 3 or more as needed.

Troubleshooting decrypt ISO launcher

Troubleshooting bulk decrypt script