Migrate database schema and data with consistent and flexible db-migrate
Install with npm:
npm i grunt-db-migrate --save-dev
You may want to start with simple configuration:
migrate: {
options: {
env: {
DATABASE_URL: databaseUrl
verbose: true
where databaseUrl
may be extracted from your environment config like this:
var CONF = require('config'),
databaseUrl = 'postgres://' + CONF.db.user + ':' + CONF.db.password + '@' + CONF.db.host + ':5432/' + CONF.db.name;
Create migration with command line command:
$ grunt migrate:create:migrate_name
It generates a new file based on template in your 'migrations' folder (see configuration section). For example, edit this file, using async
/* global exports, require */
var async = require('async');
exports.up = function (db, callback) {
db.createTable.bind(db, 'users', {
id: {
type: 'int',
primaryKey: true,
autoIncrement: true
email: {
type: 'string',
unique: true,
notNull: true
password: 'string',
created_at: 'datetime',
updated_at: 'datetime'
db.createTable.bind(db, 'items', {
id: {
type: 'int',
primaryKey: true,
autoIncrement: true
user_id: 'int',
published: 'boolean',
title: 'string'
], callback);
exports.down = function (db, callback) {
db.dropTable.bind(db, 'users', {
ifExists: true
db.dropTable.bind(db, 'items', {
ifExists: true
], callback);
And then run the migration step up with grunt migration
- run all available migrations up (or just migration
). For example, to update database to specified migration run `grunt migration:up
- run one migration down
- create the new migration javascript file from template
Environment variables for running db-migrate
Default migrations folder is migrations
. But you can choose another:
migrate : {
options: {
dir: 'db/schema-migrations'
Verbose output migration process.
You could use any of db-migrate
grunt.registerTask('cleandb', 'Clean db and re-apply all migrations', function () {
var fs = require('fs');
var files = fs.readdirSync('./migrations');
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
This example shows how to use Sequilize models and async series to bootstrap some data.
var dbModels = require('../app/models');
var async = require('async');
exports.up = function (db, callback) {
db.insert.bind(db, 'invites', ['name', 'code', 'remaining'], ['developers', 'developers', 100]),
db.insert.bind(db, 'categories', ['title', 'us_sizes', 'gender'], ['Formal', '["XS","S","M","L","XL","XXL","XXXL"]', 1]),
db.insert.bind(db, 'categories', ['title', 'us_sizes', 'gender'], ['Formal', '["XS","S","M","L","XL","XXL","XXXL"]', 2]),
db.insert.bind(db, 'categories', ['title', 'us_sizes', 'gender'], ['Shoes', '["5.5","6","6.5","7","7.5","8","8.5","9","9.5","10","10.5","11","11.5","12","12.5","13","13.5","14","14.5","15"]', 1]),
db.insert.bind(db, 'categories', ['title', 'us_sizes', 'gender'], ['Shoes', '["5.5","6","6.5","7","7.5","8","8.5","9","9.5","10","10.5","11","11.5","12","12.5","13"]', 2]),
db.insert.bind(db, 'addresses', ['state', 'zip', 'city', 'crossstreets', 'alias_id'], ['NY', '10011', 'New York', '19th St & 8th Ave', 2]),
function (cb) {
dbModels.User.signup('test@user.com', 'ka3!df24jh78', 'no-code', cb);
], callback);
exports.down = function (db, callback) {
db.runSql.bind(db, "DELETE FROM users where email = 'test@user.com' "),
db.runSql.bind(db, "DELETE FROM invites where name = 'developers' "),
db.runSql.bind(db, "DELETE FROM categories")
], callback);