Capital in the 21st Century: Figures, Tables & Slides ======================================================== ##### This repo was created and is maintained by Patrick Toche. --------- [click here to go to my github repository]( [click here to go to my github pages]( --------- Software License: [GPL-3]( Replicate Figures & Tables from [Thomas Piketty, Capital in the 21st Century, Harvard University Press, 2013]( Based on Professor Piketty's [technical appendices]( --------- This repository contains 3 directories named `1`. **knitr**, `2`. **slidify**, and `3`. **exercises**. The directories are independent of each other (figures and data produced in directory **knitr** were copied into directory **slidify** to allow this). 1. The **knitr** directory contains *KnitR/LaTeX/Beamer* source code to produce all book figures as standalone **.pdf** and **.png** files, and a set of basic beamer slides for all the figures. The source has extension **.Rnw**. Users of *LaTeX* may copy-paste code from the associated **.tex** files. Thomas Piketty's original data is available in the sub-directory **Piketty2014FiguresTables** in **.xlsx** format. The *KnitR/LaTeX* source files are in the sub-directory **slides**. 2. The **slidify** directory contains *slidify/rCharts/NVD3/HTML* source code to produce all book figures in **.html** format, and a set of html slides for each chapter. The sources have extension **.Rmd** and are located inside the **lectures** sub-directory for each chapter. The figures are available as standalone html files inside each chapter's **figures** sub-directory. In addition, there is a general index at the root, and a few additional resources such as quizzes and exercises. 3. The **exercises** directory contains various sources to practice on certain technical aspects of the book, e.g. computing cumulated growth, charting Lorenz curves. ------ Patrick Toche, 31 December 2014. Chapters 1-11 completed as of May 2015.