# Add repo and key
curl https://apt.matrix.one/doc/apt-key.gpg | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb https://apt.matrix.one/raspbian $(lsb_release -sc) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/matrixlabs.list
# Update packages and install
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
Hardware abstraction layer for MATRIX Creator usable via 0MQ. Protocol buffers are used for data exchange.
You can also use MALOS to query sensors of the MATRIX Creator and to control the MATRIX Creator from any language that supports protocol buffers (version 3.X) and 0MQ, Connections to MALOS can be made both from localhost ( and from remote computers that are in the same network.
sudo apt-get install matrixio-malos
sudo reboot
Note: At this point, on next start, matrixio-malos
will be running as a service.
sudo systemctl status matrixio-malos
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo reboot
# MALOS runs as a service, but to stop it run:
sudo pkill -9 malos
# to run manually, just type `malos`
All the MALOS drivers use the same protocol to interact with other programs. Drivers allow read-only, write-only or read-write modes.
MALOS uses 0MQ to transfer information from and to the client interfacing with it. Each MALOS driver has a base 0MQ port. This is the current list of base ports (This is printed by MALOS when it is started from the console):
Registered driver IMU with port 20013.
Registered driver Humidity with port 20017.
Registered driver Everloop with port 20021.
Registered driver Pressure with port 20025.
Registered driver UV with port 20029.
Registered driver MicArray_Alsa with port 20037.
Each port reserves a range of 4 ports that are used for a driver. They are described in the following sections.
This is the first port of the driver and the one used to denote the driver port
It is used to configure the device and it makes sense for the devices that support configuration.
It is a 0MQ PULL port.
To send a configuration you need to send a valid message (serialized to a string) for the given driver. For instance, the
Everloop driver (LED array) uses a configuration message to set the LEDs.
The message is named EverloopImage and it is in the file driver.proto. The message follows:
message LedValue {
uint32 red = 1;
uint32 green = 2;
uint32 blue = 3;
uint32 white = 4;
// The led array.
message EverloopImage {
repeated LedValue led = 1;
In order to turn all the LEDs RED you need to add 35 messages of type LedValue to the EverloopImage message. Each of the LedValue messages would need to have the following values:
- red: 10
- green: 0
- blue: 0
- white: 0
The valid values for led intensities range from 0 to 255, but we set red to 10 because this value is bright enough.
Once the message of type EverloopImage is filled out it needs to be serialized as a string and sent to the 0MQ configuration port.
If invalid values are used for the LED values of the number of LED values inside of EverloopImage is not 35 the configuration will be discarded and an error message will be generated and sent to the error channel described below.
Programs can subscribe to the 0MQ error port. It is a PUSH port. The port number is obtained by adding 2 to the base port (Also known as driver port). The errors are returned as strings but there's a pending task to change the error messages to a protocol buffer (track issue). Please do not depend on errors reported as strings as we will change the errors to protocol buffers soon.
The port number is obtained by adding 1 to the base port (Also known as driver port). It is a PUSH port.
In order to save CPU power and other resources some drivers require applications to send pings to it in order to keep them alive. For most driveres it means that the driver keeps sending updates as fast as they have been configured to do so. The Everloop driver doesn't require keep-alive messages. The IMU driver does.
Drivers that need keep-alive messages can be configured using the message that is used for all the configurations. The way to do it is set relevant field while doing other driver specific configuration (if this is required).
message DriverConfig {
// Delay between updates. In seconds.
float delay_between_updates = 1;
// Timeout after last ping.
float timeout_after_last_ping = 2;
// More fields here -- Omitted.
The field timeout_after_last_ping defaults to 5 seconds and it can be set during driver configuration.
If a driver doesn't receive Clive messages after timeout_after_last_ping
seconds it will stop sending updates.
This field is ignored by drivers that do not require keep alive messages. For instance, the Everloop driver ignores this setting.
After the setting is done (or not if the default value of 5 seconds is OK) you can start sending keepalive messages to the driver by sending messages to the respective 0MQ port. Any message that is sent to this port will be discarded, so the empty string "" makes for a good keep-alive message.
The port number is obtained by adding 3 to the base port (Also known as driver port). This port is used by drivers that send data (for instance Humidity and UV). Each driver uses a different message to report data to programs that subscribe expecting updates.
Let's use the UV driver as an example. The relevant message:
// Basic UV radiation lecture.
message UV{
// UV index.
float uv_index = 1;
// Risk of harm from unprotected sun exposure, for the average adult.
// According to the OMS table. https://www.epa.gov/sunsafety/uv-index-scale-0
string oms_risk = 2;
Drivers that subscribe to updates via 0MQ will receive a string with serialized messages of type UV (within the matrix_malos namespace). Then this message needs to be deserialized and the values can be used.
Wrapping up the protocol section, a program that talks to MALOS can:
- Configure a driver if needed. Or configure it many times if the drivers needs it.
- Subscribe to error messages if it is interested in them.
- Sends keep-alive messages if those are needed by the driver to remain active.
- Subscribe to updates from the driver if the drivers produces them.
Note: pre-requisite is NodeJS. Don't use the one shipped with Raspbian because it's a bit old. If you don't have it, please check a recipe included below.
git clone https://github.com/matrix-io/matrix-creator-malos.git && cd matrix-creator-malos
git submodule init && git submodule update
cd src/js_test
// humidity, temperature
node test_humidity.js
// inertial measurement unit
node test_imu.js
// pressure, altitude
node test_pressure.js
// uv index, uv range
node test_uv.js
For instance (in the Raspberry):
# Install npm (doesn't really matter what version, apt-get node is v0.10...)
sudo apt-get install npm
# n is a node version manager
sudo npm install -g n
# node 6.5 is the latest target node version, also installs new npm
n 6.5
# check version
node -v
Note: You'll need protobufjs
and zmq
npm packages, and protobuf as a submodule. See the Everloop Example for the full implementation of the code below.
// This is how we connect to the creator. IP and port.
// The IP is the IP I'm using and you need to edit it.
// By default, MALOS has its 0MQ ports open to the world.
// Every device is identified by a base port. Then the mapping works
// as follows:
// BasePort => Configuration port. Used to config the device.
// BasePort + 1 => Keepalive port. Send pings to this port.
// BasePort + 2 => Error port. Receive errros from device.
// BasePort + 3 => Data port. Receive data from device.
var protoBuf = require("protobufjs");
var zmq = require('zmq');
var configSocket = zmq.socket('push')
var creator_ip = ''
var creator_everloop_base_port = 20013 + 8 // port for Everloop driver.
// relative to where you have the protobufs
var protoBuilder = protoBuf.loadProtoFile('../../protocol-buffers/malos/driver.proto')
// malos interface
var matrixMalosBuilder = protoBuilder.build("matrix_malos")
configSocket.connect('tcp://' + creator_ip + ':' + creator_everloop_base_port /* config */)
Below is an example of some NodeJS interfacing with the Everloop via MALOS. See the Everloop Example for the full implementation of the code below.
var max_intensity = 50
var intensity_value = max_intensity
function setEverloop() {
var config = new matrixMalosBuilder.DriverConfig
config.image = new matrixMalosBuilder.EverloopImage
// Iteration over all 35 Everloop LEDs to turn them green.
for (var j = 0; j < 35; ++j) {
var ledValue = new matrixMalosBuilder.LedValue;
// set brightness/intensity of the color for each rgb LED.
setInterval(function() {
intensity_value -= 1
if (intensity_value < 0)
intensity_value = max_intensity
}, 10);
Below is a simple implementation via NodeJS to read a humidity
from MALOS via 0MQ. See Humidty Example for the full example.
// Start configuration for refresh rate, and heartbeat timeouts
var configSocket = zmq.socket('push')
configSocket.connect('tcp://' + creator_ip + ':' + creator_humidity_base_port)
// Send driver configuration.
var driverConfigProto = new matrixMalosBuilder.DriverConfig
// 2 seconds between updates.
driverConfigProto.delay_between_updates = 2.0
// Stop sending updates 6 seconds after pings.
driverConfigProto.timeout_after_last_ping = 6.0
// ********** End configuration.
// ********** Start updates - Here is where they are received.
var updateSocket = zmq.socket('sub')
updateSocket.connect('tcp://' + creator_ip + ':' + (creator_humidity_base_port + 3))
updateSocket.on('message', function(buffer) {
// read Humidity (or Pressure, Imu, UV, etc...)
var data = new matrixMalosBuilder.Humidity.decode(buffer)
// ********** End updates
driver.proto // drivers
hal.proto // sensors & controllers