We build a distributed grpah processing system named Save to process large
graphs, for arbitray functions. And we store the input graph and output results
in a simple distributed file system developed by ourselves.
Then, based on save, we developed two applications - PageRank and Single Source
Shortest Path(SSSP). The two applications are modulars and developed through API
of Sava.
To Run the code, first, you should choose one VM as a master, one VM as a stand
by master, one Vm as a client which is responsible for getting your command and
transporting it to the master. The rest VMs are workers.
Since our project is built based on maven, thus, you can use commnd mvn assembly
: assembly to package our project into a executable jar file - mp4.jar.
Then, upload the jar file to all the VMs.
cd into the file directory of jar file.
Use java -jar xxx.jar master to start a master
Use java -jar xxx.jar standby to start a standby master
use java -jar xxx.jar client to start a client and recieve you command
use java -jar xxx.jar worker to start a worker which is the main calcualtion
To start an application, you should input the class name of vertex of the
application and the file address of the large graph.
Then, after calculation, it should output the top 25 vertices and their values.