
A simple Twitter command line client

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

ptwit: A Command-line Twitter Client


ptwit is a simple command-line-based Twitter client.





To install ptwit, simply:

python3 -m pip install ptwit


For the first time you run ptwit command, ptwit will ask for your Twitter application information, which you can find at https://dev.twitter.com/apps. If you don't have one, register at https://dev.twitter.com/apps/new.

ptwit supports multiple Twitter accounts. You can easily log into a new account, or switch between accounts you've already authorized:

ptwit login ACCOUNT


Usage: ptwit.py [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  -a, --account TEXT  Use this account instead of the default one.
  --text              Print entries as human-readable text.
  --json              Print entires as JSON objects.
  --help              Show this message and exit.

  timeline*   List timeline.
  accounts    List all accounts.
  faves       List favourite tweets of a user.
  follow      Follow users.
  followers   List your followers.
  followings  List who you are following.
  login       Log into an account.
  mentions    List mentions.
  messages    List messages.
  pop         Edit or delete the latest tweet.
  post        Post a tweet.
  replies     List replies.
  search      Search Twitter.
  send        Send a message to a user.
  tweets      List user's tweets.
  unfollow    Unfollow users.
  whois       Show user profiles.


ptwit is under the MIT License. See LICENSE file for full license text.