
This is the tool that download images you favorited on twitter.

This tool requires Json.NET (Newtonsoft.Json).


Twitter's Userstream has gone. So this tool does not work.

How to use

  1. Create "settings.txt" in the directory that contains executable binary.
  2. Write settings on "settings.txt" like this: key1=value1&key2=value2&...
  3. Run executable binary and enjoy!


You must set these parameter: ConsumerKey,ConsumerSecretKey

If you already have accesstokens, you can set these parameter: AccessKey,AccessSecretKey

If you want to change the directory where this program save images,you can set these parameger: Directory

Parameter "Directory" allows both absolute and relative path.

Relative path base is the directory that contains executable binary.

Change Log

2016/08/28 Changed json library. (Windows.Data.Json -> Newtonsoft.Json) Now you can run this in mono environment.