
Sample app written in Scala 2.13 in a functional manner.

Primary LanguageScala

Product Offer Aggregation Service

It's an application that aggregates offers for a product. An offer has two attributes: a floating point "price" and a string "productCode". A "product offer aggregation" has the following attributes: min, max, average price of the aggregated offers, and count of offers. An aggregation can be in two states, "open" or "closed". Only aggregations with more than N offers can be closed (where N is configurable and defaults to 3).

Acceptance criteria:

  1. A closed aggregation does not accept any more offers.
  2. The service's API should allow:
    • querying for an aggregation for a given product code,
    • closing the aggregation,
    • supplying offers for the aggregation.
  3. The offers to aggregate should be batched or streamed.


In order to run an application you have to have:

Run the application

In order to run the application use attached script:

  • docker must be running in the background
  • add execute permission to file run.sh:
    chmod +x run.sh
  • in order to start the http app use:
    ./run.sh app
  • in order to all tests (tests also requires running docker) use:
    ./run.sh tests
  • in order to clean all docker artifacts use:
    ./run.sh clean

Http application starts on localhost:9000 by default, but you configure its host and port in src/main/resources/application.conf.


Application allows to:

  • get product aggregation by product code:
    • GET /products/{product-code}
      curl --request GET \
      --url http://localhost:9000/products/product-1
  • modify product state:
    • PUT /products/{product-code}
      curl --request PUT \
      --url http://localhost:9000/products/product-1 \
      --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --data '{
        "state": "closed"
    • allowed states are: open and closed
    • you can always change product state to open
    • you can change product state to closed only ih the product has enough offers
  • add offer for product:
    • POST /products/{product-code}
      curl --request POST \
      --url http://localhost:9000/products/product-1 \
      --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --data '{
        "price": 150
    • you can add offer only for the product in open state

Test data:

In database there are few products with codes from product-1 to product-10.