The official online compendium for Mining the Social Web, 2nd Edition (O'Reilly, 2013)
- 0
Mining web
#341 opened by Ishaklazri - 0
I already installed geopy using pip, but I keep running into ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'geopy'
#340 opened by Esese-Joshua - 0
- 0
Generating a figure to visually display the cosine similarity between documents notebook error
#337 opened by interogativ - 2
Ch 5 - Mining Web Page, Examples 4, 5
#303 opened by syedpeer - 1
Chef never successfully completed - "cannot load such file -- chef/mixin/language"
#336 opened by kelvin8773 - 3
Problem with python cookbook
#330 opened by williamstrong - 3
Chef never successfully completed
#326 opened by d2max - 0
KeyError: 'likes' in example 2-5
#334 opened by datomnurdin - 0
cookbook ex: 1 - twitter-python oauth changes
#333 opened by skilfullycurled - 1
Chaprte 1 Exemple 1.2 its not working
#332 opened by eleuuterio - 1
Chapter 6 ex2
#316 opened by jlm2239 - 2
Convert to run in Docker
#297 opened by zeristor - 0
Chapter 1 Example 3 not working
#331 opened by harrychengly - 1
vagrant up has no response
#329 opened by fzhang00 - 2
EASY fix for all (at least, it should be the quickest way to get going these days)
#319 opened by bezoris - 2
links broken
#323 opened by dnmurphy - 1
Clustering job titles
#327 opened by fbagirov - 11
Virtual Machine installation failed: Chef run process exited unsuccessfully (exit code 1) because of undefined method 'python'
#325 opened by nicolatournay - 16
FATAL: Chef::Exceptions::ChildConvergeError
#309 opened by ShawnFuller - 0
WinError 10060
#324 opened by JasonShed - 1 issue getting gmail credentials
#322 opened by dbl001 - 38
Chef never successfully completed
#317 opened by almo0033 - 0
Trends code , i got symbos instead of the acutal trend
#321 opened by abdolrhman - 1
Ubuntu 16.04 Chev never successfully completed!
#320 opened by Alhpa - 9
#304 opened by dave-melillo - 1
hef never successfully completed! error
#318 opened by jclaranjo - 2
Vagrant up won't complete
#315 opened by Brendans93 - 1
Installing Chef failed
#314 opened by Mapleaaa - 0
- 1
Private key could not be loaded.
#312 opened by nrob81 - 1
twitter says 404
#311 opened by gyleodhis - 7
I can not vagrant up
#310 opened by Bashir3 - 4
An error occurred when using pip install boilerpipe to install python-boilerpipe
#286 opened by XueningQin - 2
Unable to access http://localhost:8888/
#307 opened by terencebeh - 1
#305 opened by mediagit2016 - 9
Possible link down
#293 opened by polarbearskill - 0
- 5
Not able to get vagrant to install codes as expected; unable to use localhost:8888; final error seems to be outdated location for get - pip
#289 opened by 4Shubby - 5
The guest additions on this VM do not match the installed version of VirtualBox (version 5)
#300 opened by rreben - 0
stdin: is not a tty Problem
#302 opened by chimere - 0
- 8
- 3
Chef Never Completed Successfully
#298 opened by mattmarotta - 0
Unable to Boot VM, "Warning: Connection Timeout"
#299 opened by Evaderei - 0
Will this project be also available in Python3.x?
#296 opened by evaristoc - 1
Download of Vagrant File interrupted
#292 opened by taghioff - 0
403 errors from Twitter
#291 opened by cjsulli - 2
ERROR: execute[install-pip] (python::pip line 56) had an error: Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed: Expected process to exit with [0], but received '1'
#290 opened by hanyhome - 1