
Tableau Projects for data analysis, data analytics and data visualaization on different data sets

MIT LicenseMIT

About The Project

Compilation of Tableau projects for data analysis, data analytics and data visualization.

Built with

  • Tableau Desktop

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Analyzing the following datasets

  • SuperStore
  • Office Supplies
  • Long-Term-Unemployment-Statistics
  • Amazing Mart EU
  • Airline-Comparison
  • UK Bank Customers
  • Personal Vehicle SalesGlobal

For exploring the following questions and points.

Super Store

  • Profits by States : What were the profits and losses of Sales across Regions?
  • Total Sales by SalesRep: Who was the best SalesRep per Region? This is for Annual Bonus Analysis. US Unemployment Data
  • US Unemployment by Gender : What was the long term unemployment between different Genders?
  • US Unemployment by Age Groups : What was the long term unemployment across different Age Groups?

Amazing Mart EU

  • Profit Margin by Countries: What was the profit margin for countries over year?
  • Profit Margin per Customer: What was the profit margin per each customer?
  • Profit Margin Dashboard

Airline Data

  • Airlines Revenue Comparison: What were the revenues for two different airlines?
  • Sales Vs Target by Categories : What are Sales Vs Target by each Category?
  • Excess of Target by Category : Which Category exceeds or short of Target Sales?

UK Bank Customers

  • UK Bank Customers - Gender Distribution
  • UK Bank Customers - Age Distribution
  • UK Bank Customers - Balance Distribution
  • UK Bank Customers - Job Classifications
  • UK Bank Customer Dashboard
  • Insights for UK Bank Customer represented with Storyline.
  • Popularity of Bank by % of customer by region?
  • Which region of customer are richest?
  • Are customer white color job wealthier than blue or other color jobs?
  • Which Region comes the wealthier customer?

Laundry Pick up service startup

  • Identify which of the two sales regions is performing better (outperforms the other in 2 of 3 metrics)
  • a) AVG Revenue per city
  • b) AVG Marketing spend per city (less is better)
  • c) AVG ROMI per city (revenue / marketing spend)
  • Identify which of the 10 new locations have the best potential for the company to invest more funds into marketing.

  • New York City Park & Incidents Analysis

New York State Salary Analysis

  • Average Annual Salary by County dispalyed on a map
  • Top 5 highest earning industries by County
  • Time series analysis of average annual salary by County



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details