Cloud & AI | Master student in @thulab | @apache Seata committer | OSPP'23 GSoC'24 mentee | OSPP'24 mentor
Tsinghua UniversityBeijing, China
ptyin's Following
- ZichenLiu22
- SijiaCui
- PKUFlyingPigPeking University
- Meteorix@bytedance
- bearslyricattackHarbin Institute of Technology
- daochenzhaHouston, TX
- feifeibearTencent
- lujiajing1126Shouqianba Inc.
- AlbumenJPersonal
- xjlgod@apache
- xingfudeshi@apache @seata
- apache
- thulab
- OneSizeFitsQuorum@Apache
- GaryHua226Tsinghua University
- SzyWilliamBeijing, China
- SteNicholas@apache
- funky-eyesHangzhou China
- kaori-seasonswx: knxy0616 欢迎数据口,后端口的朋友进行技术交流
- tensorchord
- gaocegege@TensorChord
- GodXuxilieSchool of Computing, NUS
- thu-david
- Olive-2019Tsinghua
- Pil0tXia@apache, Xiaohongshu
- slievrly@alibaba
- RemHeroHNU to THU
- LingFengGoldEmory University
- Frank-DzHKU
- suxb201@Aliyun
- Vendredimatin
- catherine-lisaBUPT -> Tsinghua University
- Priscilla-zxy
- LvWuqianTHU -> Alibaba
- kxxtInformation Network Lab at USTC, archriscv @plctlab