
C made server for remotely closing system

Primary LanguageC


C made server for remotely closing system

Make from source

Project is build using CMake 3.17 so it is the best way to compile your version

Comuncation protocol

Client-Server communcation is made on SimpleMessage (aka SM). One SM can take up to 20 key-value pairs. There are no specified KV pairs to server works, but some of them are needed for e.g. to authorize request.

Communication is as simple as sending properly formated text string


By default headed contains left curly bracket and new line character \n. Foother on other hand contains new line character \n and right curly bracket. Each KV pair must end with new line. Spaces are alowded in either key or value. Other formats of message can be set by changing MESSAGE_* values in utils/simple-message.h

Available Requests

  • suspend
  • stop

other KV pairs could be added but will be ignored by server. Be aware of white spaces as server don't remove them and case sensitivity so abc is not this same as abc nor Abc

Simple Testing

$ cat << EOF > test-req

$ cat test-req | nc localhost 7021

Further reading

Entire code is meaningfully described and documented for some in deep lurking. test/ dir contains some more request. Some of them are valid and other not. Invalid reqs are marked as so.

Known extensions and clients

  • Simple Android Implementation

Project structure

  • server.h - contains all server side logic

  • utils/simple-message.h - helper functions for SM manimpulations

  • utils/stringops.h - string operators