
PyGTK3 frontend to Neovim with some visual GUI elements.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


PyGTK3 frontend to Neovim with some visual GUI elements.

  • Provides GTK's clipboard (no need for xclip/xsel)
  • Buffers on header bar
  • GUI Tabs
  • Overlay scrollbars
  • Applies GTK's light/dark themes according to &bg
  • Applies font from :GuiFont, or from GSettings' org.gnome.desktop.interface:monospace-font-name
  • Customizable with Python scripts




  • python 3.6+
  • python-setuptools (make)
  • python-neovim
  • python-gobject
  • vte3


$ python setup.py install --user --root=/


$ sudo python setup.py install --root=/

Python scripts

Scripts in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim_pygtk3/*.py are exec'd at startup, exposing the following globals:

  • connect: Utility wrapper to connect GObject signals.
  • window: The GTK top-level window. Docs
    • window.terminal: The VTE terminal that hosts neovim. Docs
    • window.switcher: The GtkStackSwitcher that displays buffers. Docs
    • window.notebook: The GtkNotebook that displays tabs. Docs
    • window.viewport: The GtkViewport that holds the terminal. Docs

The window object has the following additional signals:

  • nvim-setup: Emitted when neovim has started.
  • nvim-notify: Emitted when neovim has notified the GUI.
  • nvim-request: Emitted when neovim has requested the GUI.

Example script ~/.config/nvim_pygtk3/a.py:

@connect(window, 'nvim-setup')
def a(nvim):
    nvim.command(f'call rpcnotify({nvim.channel_id}, "hello", "world")')

@connect(window, 'nvim-notify')
def b(nvim, event, args):
    if event == 'hello':
        print('hello', args)

@connect(window.terminal, 'cursor-moved')
def c():
    print('cursor moved!')