
Example Qwik app deployment to AWS.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Qwik running on AWS

This is a proof of concept running a Qwik app on AWS behind CloudFront with two origins.

  • S3 Origin - Serving static files.
  • Lambda Function URL Origin - Server side rendering.
npm i
npm run dev

Production build

npm run build

Setup deployment

First off, you need some AWS credentials with enough permissions to create the resources in this architecture. Either as environment variables or profile in ~/.aws/credentials.

Then you need to create a bucket, or skip and reuse an existing one to store the CloudFormation artifacts.

export DEPLOYMENT_BUCKET="qwik-deployment-bucket"
make setup-deployment

Build & deploy

Deployment will build, sync static files to S3 and deploy the CloudFormation stack.

export DEPLOYMENT_BUCKET="qwik-deployment-bucket"
export STACK_NAME="qwik-stack"
export STATIC_BUCKET="qwik-static"
make deploy