
NG is a convergent information processing, storage and exchanging architecture. Its design started in 2008, when Prof. Antônio Marcos Alberti selected project requirements, design principles, guidelines and main foundations. Alberti also did its first specification in 2011 and coded this prototype in C/C++ in 2012-2013. The key idea of NovaGenesis can be summarized in the 306 following statement: services (including protocol implementations) that organize themselves based on names, name bindings, and contracts to meet semantically rich goals and policies. Every component of the architecture is offered to others by publishing several name-bindings. NovaGenesis is also an event-driven simulator. NG implements a novel Internet stack which runs over raw sockets in Linux. There is no support for other operating systems. A security layer is also missing in this prototype. Please read our open source license in order to use it. All the source code is offered as it is. There is not guarantee of any kind. More details about NG design can be found in the following paper: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0167739X16302643. All the papers regarding NG are accessible here: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Antonio-Alberti-2. NG is a registered software.

Primary LanguageC++

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