RESTful Dropbox like Service - StoreBox

$ mvn clean package

How to run this Java process forever

$ nohup ./bin/ 0<&- &> /tmp/app.log &

Things We Learnt: Practical Applications of:

  1. RestFul Services
  2. MongoDB
  3. Jquery
  4. Ajax
  5. Amazon Web Services
  6. Working with bootstrap and mustach

Features of our project:

  1. File upload from system to StoreBox
  2. File download to local machine
  3. Delete files
  4. Share files --> Sharing would add the file in shared users bucket too
  5. Per user storage capacity by default 15MB(for the purpose of testing), this can be extended.

AWS services used:

  1. EC2 to deploy
  2. S3 to store files
  3. SES to send emails for registration confirmation & when a file is shared.

While running the code please update the following in class) MongoConfig.setAmazonUsername("XXXXXXXXXXXXXX"); --> AWS Access key MongoConfig.setAmazonPassword("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXx"); --> AWS Secret key MongoConfig.setDatabaseAddress("XXXXXXXXXXXXXX"); --> Mongo lab address of the form MongoConfig.setDatabasePassword("XXXXXXXXXXXXX"); --> Mongo lab password MongoConfig.setDatabasePort(XXXXX); --> Port # obtained from Mongo lab MongoConfig.setDatabaseUsername("XXXXXXXXXXXX"); --> MongoDB username

Service runs on Port # 8050 XX.XX.XX.XX:8050/dropbox