
Storybook for react components based on MUI

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Storybook of MUI (Material-UI v5) based react components

  • MUI (react)
  • TypeScript
  • react-hook-form
  • i18nNext for localization
  • eslint
  • prettier (default settings)
  • eslint for react-hooks
  • pre-commit hook for linting
  • vite build


  • node 14, 16
  • npm 7, 8
  • git client


Note (2021-10-17) Vulnarabilities shown after install are based on dependencies of storybook. One opinion about this: https://overreacted.io/npm-audit-broken-by-design/

git clone git@github.com:pubcore/vite-storybook-mui.git && \
cd ./vite-storybook-mui && \
npm i && \
npm run storybook

Install as starting point for new project

Find a name for «your-project» in "Kebab case" (this-is-kebab-case). A directory with this name will be created. Change into your scope/group directory and execute commands below. (npm version >= 7 is required to auto install peer dependencies)

# If `npx degit` does not work, just clone this repo and delete .git dir
npx degit pubcore/vite-storybook-mui «your-project»
cd «your-project»
git init && \
npm i && \
git add . && git commit -m "init" && \
npm run storybook

Build package bundle of components

npm run build

Watch: auto build, if code changes

npm run watch