
Kubernetes workload controller for container image deployment

Primary LanguageGo


kube-image-deployer is a Kubernetes controller that closely monitors the Docker Registry Image:Tag. It performs a patch strategy to deploy the Image to the workload when it detects a new Image tag.

Unlike Keel, kube-image-deployer only tracks a single tag and operates in a more straightforward manner.

It observes both the Container and InitContainer of the supported Kubernetes Workloads such as deployment, statefulset, daemonset, and cronjob.

Available Environment Flags

kubeconfig               = *flag.String("kubeconfig", "", "absolute path to the kubeconfig file")
offDeployments           = *flag.Bool("off-deployments", false, "disable deployments")
offStatefulsets          = *flag.Bool("off-statefulsets", false, "disable statefulsets")
offDaemonsets            = *flag.Bool("off-daemonsets", false, "disable daemonsets")
offCronjobs              = *flag.Bool("off-cronjobs", false, "disable cronjobs")
imageStringCacheTTLSec   = *flag.Uint("image-hash-cache-ttl-sec", 60, "image hash cache TTL in seconds")
imageCheckIntervalSec    = *flag.Uint("image-check-interval-sec", 10, "image check interval in seconds")
controllerWatchKey       = *flag.String("controller-watch-key", "kube-image-deployer", "controller watch key")
controllerWatchNamespace = *flag.String("controller-watch-namespace", "", "controller watch namespace. If empty, watch all namespaces")
imageDefaultPlatform     = *flag.String("image-default-platform", "linux/amd64", "default platform for docker images")
slackWebhook             = *flag.String("slack-webhook", "", "slack webhook url. If empty, notifications are disabled")
slackMsgPrefix           = *flag.String("slack-msg-prefix", "[$hostname]", "slack message prefix. default=[hostname]")

Available Environment Variables

KUBECONFIG_PATH=<absolute path to the kubeconfig file>
CONTROLLER_WATCH_NAMESPACE=<controller watch namespace. If empty, watch all namespaces>
IMAGE_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=<default platform for docker images>
SLACK_WEBHOOK=<slack webhook url. If empty, notifications are disabled>
SLACK_MSG_PREFIX=<slack message prefix. default=[hostname]>


  • Registers workloads with the "kube-image-deployer" label as targets for monitoring.
  • Reads the workload's annotations to map the images and containers to be monitored.
  • Obtains the Hash of the Image:Tag from Docker Registry API v2 every minute (imageStringCacheTTLSec) and performs a Strategic Merge Patch on the containers of the monitored target workload.
  • As the patch is executed using the Image Digest Hash, the workload will not be redeployed if only the new tag is added and the Image Digest Hash remains the same (as intended).

Kubernetes Yaml Examples

Required YAML Configuration

  • metadata.label.kube-image-deployer
    • This label is necessary to identify the workloads being monitored.
  • metadata.annotations.kube-image-deployer/${containerName} = ${ImageURL}:${Tag}
    • This annotation records the container name, image URL, and tag for automatic updates.

Tag Monitoring Method

  • Exact match tag

    • busybox:1.34.0 -> busybox@sha256:15f840677a5e245d9ea199eb9b026b1539208a5183621dced7b469f6aa678115
  • Asterisk match tag

    • busybox:1.34.* -> 1.34.0, 1.34.1, 1.34.2, ... -> busybox@sha256:15f840677a5e245d9ea199eb9b026b1539208a5183621dced7b469f6aa678115

Yaml Samples


apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
    kube-image-deployer/busybox-init: 'busybox:latest' # set init container update
    kube-image-deployer/busybox2: 'busybox:1.34.*'     # set container update
    app: kube-image-deployer-test
    kube-image-deployer: 'true'                        # enable kube-image-deployer
  name: kube-image-deployer-test
  namespace: default
  replicas: 1
      app: kube-image-deployer-test
        app: kube-image-deployer-test
        - name: busybox
          image: busybox # no change
          args: ['sleep', '1000000']
        - name: busybox2
          image: busybox # change to busybox@sha:b862520da7361ea093806d292ce355188ae83f21e8e3b2a3ce4dbdba0a230f83
          args: ['sleep', '1000000']
        - name: busybox-init
          image: busybox # change to busybox@sha:b862520da7361ea093806d292ce355188ae83f21e8e3b2a3ce4dbdba0a230f83

Using kube-image-deployer as CLI

For more information, refer to kube-image-deployer-cli

Installing in Kubernetes

Refer to the Installation Guide in Kubernetes for further details.

Using with Pulumi

For more information, refer to docs/using-with-pulumi.md

Private Repositories

kube-image-deployer acquires the necessary access rights through Docker Credentials.

Monitoring Images on a Private Registry on DockerHub/Harbor

  1. To access the private registry on Kubernetes, create a Dockerconfig secret.
  2. Input the URL and authentication information such as the username and password in the Auths section.
  3. Mount the secret volume at the location of /root/.docker/config.json.
  4. kube-image-deployer accesses the private registry using the mounted credentials in the Creds section, enabled by the AuthKeyChain.

Monitoring Images on a Private Registry on ECR

There are two methods available:

  • Assign a role with ECR access permissions to the kube-image-deployer Service Account through AWS IRSA. (References: #1, #2, #3).
  • Specify the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY with ECR access in the environment variables of the kube-image-deployer.

kube-image-deployer automatically checks the ECR image URL by calling GetAuthorizationToken to obtain the Docker authentication token. With this token, it retrieves information about the image using the Docker Registry API v2.


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